Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: October 11

1➤ Who walked on the Sea of Galilee?

2➤ What did Moses do to heal the bitter waters of Marah?

3➤ Who was healed of leprosy after dipping seven times in the Jordan?

4➤ What judge wrung out a bowlful of water from a fleece in answer to prayer?

5➤ What river was turned into blood?

6➤ Who healed Jericho's water supply by throwing salt into it?

7➤ Who turned water into wine?

8➤ Who died when the parted Red Sea became unparted?

9➤ When the Israelites in the wilderness complained about lack of water, where did the water come from?

10➤ How did God water the thirsty army of Israel?

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