Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: December 26

1➤ What plant sprang up miraculously to give shade to the prophet Jonah?

1 point

2➤ What woman used mandrakes to gain a night in bed with Jacob?

1 point

3➤ Who used rods of poplar, hazel, and chestnut trees to make genetic changes in his sheep?

1 point

4➤ What kind of tree did the weary Elijah sit under?

1 point

5➤ What plant had such a bitter taste that it became a symbol for sorrow and disaster?

1 point

6➤ What, according to the New Testament, produces the smallest seed of any plant?

1 point

7➤ Which book mentions the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley?

1 point

8➤ What mythical creature eats grass-according to the book of Job?

1 point

9➤ What is the only book of the Bible to mention the apple tree?

1 point

10➤ What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb in order to see Jesus?

1 point

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