Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: July 19

1➤ Who burned the Philistines' grain by tying torches to the tails of foxes?

2➤ What king of Babylon burned Jerusalem?

3➤ What Canaanite city was burned down by the men of Dan?

4➤ What Israelite had his goods burned after he had been stoned to death?

5➤ What nation burned David's city of Ziklag?

6➤ What king committed suicide by burning down his palace with himself inside?

7➤ What judge killed about a thousand people when he burned down the tower of Shechem?

8➤ What Israelite city was burned up by Pharaoh?

9➤ What tribe of Israel sacked Jerusalem and burned it?

10➤ In the days of the judges, what tribe had its cities burned by the other tribes?

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