Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: May 28

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Daily Bible Quiz

1➤ What wife of Lamech was the mother of the founder of music?

2➤ What courageous woman was the wife of the priest Jehoiada?

3➤ Who had a daughter named Jemima?

4➤ What daughter of a priest married a king who became a leper?

5➤ What evil woman is associated with the church of Thyatira?

6➤ What woman, the wife of a servant of Herod, was healed by Jesus?

7➤ What woman of the Roman church is commended by Paul for her hard work?

8➤ Who had a wife named Judith?

9➤ What church was Julia part of?

10➤ Who had a daughter named Keren-happuch?

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