Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: May 22

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Daily Bible Quiz

1➤ According to Isaiah, what sort of people can run and not be weary?

2➤ What prophet ran after another prophet to accept the appointment as his successor?

3➤ What usurper to the throne of Israel gathered up 50 men to run before him?

4➤ When the man of Benjamin saw the ark of the covenant captured by the Philistines, what Israelite did he run to tell?

5➤ What judge's mother ran to tell her husband Manoah that an angel had appeared to her?

6➤ What beautiful woman caused Abraham's servant to run to meet her?

7➤ What did a man at Jesus' crucifixion run to find for the dying Jesus?

8➤ Who ran into the midst of the Israelites carrying incense to stop a plague?

9➤ Who had a vision of one angel running to meet another?

10➤ What two women ran from Jesus' empty tomb to tell the disciples what had happened?

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