50 Interesting Bible Quiz Questions with Answers: Daily Bible Quiz for March 07

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Daily Bible Quiz Questions and Answers (MCQ): March 07

1➤ Who was the Old Testament figure known for interpreting dreams in the court of Pharaoh, rising to a position of authority in Egypt?

1 point

2➤ In which Gospel do we find the story of the woman with the issue of blood being healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment?

1 point

3➤ Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem?

1 point

4➤ In the Book of Daniel, which metal represents the second kingdom in the vision of the statue, symbolizing a powerful empire?

1 point

5➤ What did Jesus use to feed the multitude in the wilderness during the feeding of the 5,000 in the New Testament?

1 point

6➤ According to the Old Testament law, what was the punishment for breaking the Sabbath?

1 point

7➤ In which book of the Minor Prophets do we find the famous passage about beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks?

1 point

8➤ In the New Testament, who showed mercy to Paul and Silas by caring for their wounds after they were beaten and imprisoned?

1 point

9➤ Who was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament?

1 point

10➤ In the New Testament, what did Jesus use to heal a blind man, making him see again?

1 point

11➤ Who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve apostles in the Book of Acts?

1 point

12➤ What sign did God give to Noah as a promise never to flood the earth again?

1 point

13➤ In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who passed by the injured man before the Samaritan helped him?

1 point

14➤ In the New Testament, Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper during which significant event?

1 point

15➤ According to the book of Genesis, on which day did God create animals and humans?

1 point

16➤ In the Old Testament, who led the Israelites across the parted Red Sea, escaping from the pursuing Egyptian army?

1 point

17➤ In the Sermon on the Mount, which beatitude declares, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"?

1 point

18➤ Who was the judge in the Old Testament known for leading the Israelites against the Canaanites and their general Sisera?

1 point

19➤ In which Gospel do we find the account of Jesus walking on water during a storm on the Sea of Galilee?

1 point

20➤ In the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, what does the wheat represent?

1 point

21➤ In the Old Testament, what was the purpose of the bronze basin located in the courtyard of the Tabernacle?

1 point

22➤ In the Book of Jeremiah, what does God promise to write on the hearts of His people in the new covenant?

1 point

23➤ In the New Testament, who showed kindness to Paul by providing him with a cloak and parchments while he was imprisoned?

1 point

24➤ In the New Testament, what did Jesus use to feed the 4,000 in the wilderness?

1 point

25➤ In which book of the Old Testament do we find the prophecy about the virgin birth of the Messiah?

1 point

26➤ According to the letters of Paul, what is the greatest virtue that should guide all Christian actions?

1 point

27➤ In the New Testament, what did the apostles Peter and John offer to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate, resulting in his healing?

1 point

28➤ In which book of the Old Testament do we find the prophecy about the coming Messiah being born in Bethlehem?

1 point

29➤ In the Old Testament, which book narrates the journey of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land?

1 point

30➤ In the New Testament, which parable teaches about the importance of forgiveness through the story of a forgiving king?

1 point

31➤ In the New Testament, who touched the fringe of Jesus' garment and was healed of a twelve-year-long issue of blood?

1 point

32➤ In the New Testament, which parable teaches about the importance of being vigilant and ready for the return of the Master?

1 point

33➤ In the New Testament, what does the cup represent during the institution of the Lord's Supper?

1 point

34➤ Who was the king of Israel known for his musical skills and is credited with writing many of the Psalms?

1 point

35➤ In the New Testament, which prophet's words were fulfilled when a virgin named Mary gave birth to Jesus?

1 point

36➤ In the New Testament, what did Jesus use to heal the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman?

1 point

37➤ In the letters to the Galatians, which fruit of the Spirit is mentioned as love's first expression?

1 point

38➤ In the New Testament, which parable teaches about the kingdom's growth from a tiny seed to a large tree?

1 point

39➤ In the New Testament, which beatitude declares, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"?

1 point

40➤ In the Old Testament, what happened when Elisha threw a stick into the water at the Jordan River?

1 point

41➤ In which Gospel do we find the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead?

1 point

42➤ In the New Testament, which parable illustrates the concept that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field?

1 point

43➤ In the Old Testament, what physical act symbolized the Israelites' commitment to renew their covenant with God?

1 point

44➤ In the New Testament, who showed mercy to the paralyzed man lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus?

1 point

45➤ In the New Testament, who accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey but later left him to return to Jerusalem?

1 point

46➤ In the New Testament, what did Jesus use to feed the 4,000 in the wilderness?

1 point

47➤ In which book of the Old Testament do we find the prophecy about the suffering servant who would bear the sins of many?

1 point

48➤ According to the letters to the Corinthians, what is the greatest gift among faith, hope, and love?

1 point

49➤ Who was the judge known for defeating the Midianites with a small army of three hundred men and the use of trumpets and torches?

1 point

50➤ In the New Testament, what does the bread represent during the institution of the Lord's Supper?

1 point

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