Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: May 12

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Daily Bible Quiz

1➤ Which three tribes camped on the northern side of the tabernacle in the wilderness?

2➤ To where did Paul & Silas flee after upsetting the Jews at Thessalonica?

3➤ How many silver pieces would each Philistine lord give to Delilah if she betrayed Samson?

4➤ In the parable about a fig tree, when you see the “tree putting forth leaves”, what is near?

5➤ According to Proverbs, how do those “seeking death” acquire their wealth?

6➤ In the prophecy of Isaiah, where will a little child play in the kingdom age?

7➤ In Genesis, who was buried under an oak tree below Bethel?

8➤ What color was the High Priest’s robe?

9➤ Who does Paul thank God for because their “faith and love grew exceedingly”?

10➤ Which nation does Jeremiah say is dwelling in Gad?

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