Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: July 7

1➤ Which Roman centurion of Caesarea is described as a godly man in the Bible?

2➤ Who were appointed Babylonian administrators by Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible?

3➤ What was the occupation of the Roman whose servant was healed by Jesus according to the Bible?

4➤ Which Jewish girl became queen of Persia according to the Bible?

5➤ Who begged her sister for some mandrakes in hopes they would help her bear children?

6➤ To whom did Jesus declare, "I am the resurrection and the life"?

7➤ Who sat at Jesus' feet while her sister kept house?

8➤ Which two women witnessed Jesus' tears over their dead brother?

9➤ Whose mother-in-law was healed of a fever by Jesus?

10➤ Which wicked woman, the wife of a wicked king, brought about the death of John the Baptist?

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