Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: May 19

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Daily Bible Quiz

1➤ God protected Jacob by sending a dream of warning that Jacob should not be pursued or harmed. Who received this dream?

2➤ Who irritated his brothers by telling them of his dreams?

3➤ Who slept on a stone pillow at Bethel and had a dream of a stairway to heaven?

4➤ What did God change Jacob's name to?

5➤ Who was told by God to name his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz?

6➤ Who told Joseph what Jesus' name would be?

7➤ What prophet was told by God to name his son Lo-ammi?

8➤ Who told Hagar to name her son Ishmael?

9➤ What did God change Abram's name to?

10➤ Who was told by an angel that his son was to be named John?

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