Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: June 4

1➤ What king of Babylon burned down the temple, palace, and city walls of Jerusalem?

2➤ What king of Judah was blinded and taken away in chains to Babylon?

3➤ Who was taken prisoner to Babylon, though he came to enjoy the favor of the Babylonian king?

4➤ What Babylonian king gave the deposed king of Judah a place of great honor in Babylon?

5➤ What king burned in his fireplace the letter sent to him by the prophet Jeremiah?

6➤ What king ordered Jezebel's servants to toss her out of a window?

7➤ What king of Persia issued the decree that the people of Judah could rebuild their temple?

8➤ What New Testament woman ranks sixth with 19 mentions?

9➤ What wife of both Nabal and David ranks seventh with 15 mentions?

10➤ What sister of a famous leader ties with Number 7?

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