Bible trivia Questions and Answers multiple choice:  February 29

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Bible Quiz with Answers

1➤ After the flood, where did Noah's ark come to rest?

1 point

2➤ According to the story of David and Goliath, what weapon did David use to defeat the giant?

1 point

3➤ In the book of Proverbs, what animal represents wisdom?

1 point

4➤ What city was Jesus born in?

1 point

5➤ What are the names of the three wise men who brought gifts to Jesus at his birth?

1 point

6➤ In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall..."

1 point

7➤ How many books are there in the Protestant Bible?

1 point

8➤ Which language was the Old Testament originally written in?

1 point

9➤ What is the name of the first five books of the Old Testament?

1 point

10➤ Who wrote the book of Revelation?

1 point

11➤ Which prophet famously denounced social injustices and called for repentance, comparing Israel to a "sick nation" in need of healing?

1 point

12➤ In his suffering, Job questions God's justice and makes bold statements. Who appears to him out of a whirlwind offering no easy answers but challenging his perspective?

1 point

13➤ What symbolic action does Jesus perform at the Last Supper, taking bread and wine and saying, "This is my body... This is my blood"?

1 point

14➤ When Jairus, a synagogue leader, begs Jesus to heal his dying daughter, Jesus encounters a crowd at the house. What does he say, defying societal expectations about death?

1 point

15➤ What theological debate in the early church centered on the role of faith and good works in salvation, with Paul emphasizing one and James the other?

1 point

16➤ Which New Testament letter emphasizes the importance of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and love, calling them the "fruit of the Spirit"?

1 point

17➤ In the parable of the Great Feast, how many excuses do people give for declining the invitation, and what action does the host take after their refusal?

1 point

18➤ What is the "new name" written on the foreheads of those redeemed by God in the book of Revelation?

1 point

19➤ Which queen of Judah, known for her wisdom and beauty, approached King Solomon with riddles to test his intelligence?

1 point

20➤ What city did Paul write his letter to the Galatians from, addressing their concerns about Judaizing teachings and emphasizing salvation by faith in Christ?

1 point

21➤ In Leviticus 19:18, what command encourages forgiveness and prohibits holding grudges?

1 point

22➤ What famous verse in Proverbs 3:5-6 emphasizes trusting God and seeking his guidance?

1 point

23➤ What question does Jesus ask Peter three times after his resurrection, testing his love and commitment?

1 point

24➤ What miraculous event on the Day of Pentecost marked the arrival of the Holy Spirit and empowered the disciples to spread the gospel?

1 point

25➤ In his letters to Timothy, Paul provides instructions for church leadership. What key quality does he emphasize as essential for an overseer in 1 Timothy 3:2?

1 point

26➤ In the parable of the Sower, what do the different types of soil represent in relation to how people receive the word of God?

1 point

27➤ What symbolic creature with four faces and six wings stands before the throne of God, representing God's sovereignty and knowledge?

1 point

28➤ What major heresy in the 4th century denied the full divinity of the Holy Spirit, claiming he was inferior to the Father and the Son?

1 point

29➤ What specific instruction did God give Moses regarding the construction of the Ark of the Covenant to ensure its holiness and power?

1 point

30➤ In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his disciples to pray in what way, avoiding ostentatious displays?

1 point

31➤ Which prophet famously declared "The lion has roared. Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken. Who can but prophesy?" (Amos 3:8)?

1 point

32➤ Which king of Israel is traditionally considered the author of most of the Psalms, known for his poetic expressions of faith and devotion?

1 point

33➤ Which of the Beatitudes states "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"? (Matthew 5:5)

1 point

34➤ In the parable of the talents, how many talents did the master entrust to each of his three servants?

1 point

35➤ Which council, held in 431 AD in Ephesus, condemned the heresy of Nestorianism and affirmed Jesus' single divine-human nature?

1 point

36➤ Which book in the New Testament emphasizes perseverance and endurance in the face of suffering, using running a race as an analogy?

1 point

37➤ What was the name of the woman Jesus healed of a bent spine on the Sabbath, causing controversy with the religious leaders?

1 point

38➤ What are the seven churches addressed in the first few chapters of the book of Revelation, representing different spiritual conditions within the early church?

1 point

39➤ Which non-canonical text tells the story of Tobit, who recovers lost money with the help of the angel Raphael and later cures his father's blindness?

1 point

40➤ Which disciple became known as "the Apostle to the Gentiles" for his extensive missionary journeys and letters to various churches?

1 point

41➤ In the book of Judges, who was the left-handed judge who rallied the Israelites against the Canaanites and delivered them with a miraculous hailstorm?

1 point

42➤ Which minor prophet famously used symbolic actions like eating a scroll and lying on his side for hundreds of days to convey God's messages?

1 point

43➤ What number psalm is traditionally associated with lament and repentance, and begins with the words "Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord"?

1 point

44➤ What city did Jesus cleanse of the moneychangers and merchants in a dramatic act of purification recorded in all four gospels?

1 point

45➤ What was the name of the golden statue Nebuchadnezzar erected in the plain of Dura, demanding all to worship it, as told in the book of Daniel?

1 point

46➤ Which apostle wrote the book of Philemon, advocating for the forgiveness and acceptance of Onesimus, a runaway slave?

1 point

47➤ In the Gospel of Matthew, what is the Great Commission Jesus entrusts to his disciples before ascending to heaven?

1 point

48➤ In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what does the younger son offer to the pigs he is forced to eat, symbolizing his hunger and despair?

1 point

49➤ What ancient city near the Dead Sea was destroyed by fire and brimstone according to Genesis, with only Lot and his daughters escaping?

1 point

50➤ Which Roman emperor issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, legalizing Christianity and ending years of persecution?

1 point

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