Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: June 12

1➤ This Egyptian-born Hebrew leader predicted the coming of a prophet like himself.

2➤ This prophet took David to task for numbering the people of Israel.

3➤ This prophet predicted that Jeroboam would be king over 10 tribes of Israel.

4➤ This reluctant prophet was thrown overboard in a storm.

5➤ This man of Tekoa was a simple laborer who had the audacity to confront the king's priest at his shrine.

6➤ This man prophesied against Nineveh.

7➤ This prophet was famous for his marriage to a prostitute.

8➤ This prophet predicted the outpouring of God's Spirit upon all people.

9➤ This man wrote a brief book against Edom.

10➤ This sister of a Hebrew leader was herself a prophetess. For a time she was afflicted with leprosy.

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