Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: June 14

1➤ Active at the time of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, this prophet is associated with Zechariah.

2➤ This prophet, who lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile, had visions of a flying scroll and a gold lampstand.

3➤ This man is spoken of as being his brother's prophet. He is also famous for having constructed a golden calf.

4➤ This false prophet wore iron horns and told King Ahab he would be victorious in battle.

5➤ This prophet told King Rehoboam that Judah would be abandoned to the forces of the Egyptian king.

6➤ This prophet, who lived in the reign of King Asa in Judah, was the son of the prophet Oded.

7➤ This false prophet was a sorcerer and an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus.

8➤ This prophetess is mentioned as an intimidator of Nehemiah.

9➤ This evil prophetess is referred to in Revelation by the name of an Old Testament queen.

10➤ Who was the mother of the Midianites?

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