Daily Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for today: May 30

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Daily Bible Quiz

1➤ What Ammonite woman, a wife of Solomon, became the mother of the royal dynasty of Judah?

2➤ What Israelite woman lived in Moab but returned to Israel after her husband's death?

3➤ What false prophetess made attempts to keep Nehemiah from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem?

4➤ Who was Ruth's sister-in-law?

5➤ What church was the faithful Persis a part of?

6➤ Who were Puah and Shiprah?

7➤ What four women in the early church were described as prophetesses?

8➤ What servant girl in Jerusalem came to the door when Peter escaped from prison?

9➤ What Hebrew woman married an Egyptian and later saw their half-breed son stoned to death?

10➤ What man's daughters involved him in incestuous relations when they believed there were no other men around?

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