Bible trivia Questions and Answers multiple choice:  February 19

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Bible Quiz with Answers

1➤ Who was the younger son of Jesse, anointed by Samuel as the future king of Israel?

1 point

2➤ In the Book of Exodus, what miraculous event allowed the Israelites to escape from Egypt?

1 point

3➤ What Old Testament prophet was known for his encounter with a chariot of fire and his mentoring of Elisha?

1 point

4➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what title did Jesus often use to refer to Himself, signifying His divine authority?

1 point

5➤ In the Book of Joshua, what city's walls fell after the Israelites marched around it for seven days?

1 point

6➤ Which disciple betrayed Jesus to the religious authorities for thirty pieces of silver?

1 point

7➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau?

1 point

8➤ According to the Gospel of Mark, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed?

1 point

9➤ In the Book of Proverbs, what is described as the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise it?

1 point

10➤ According to the Gospel of Luke, who was the tax collector that climbed a tree to see Jesus and later hosted Him at his home?

1 point

11➤ Who was the Old Testament figure known for his dreams and his rise to power in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh?

1 point

12➤ In the Book of Acts, who was the first apostle to perform a miracle after receiving the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost?

1 point

13➤ According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of God being like a vine and its branches?

1 point

14➤ In the Book of Ruth, who was the relative of Naomi who had the right to redeem her and Ruth but relinquished it to Boaz?

1 point

15➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven being like a treasure hidden in a field?

1 point

16➤ Who was the Old Testament prophet known for his encounter with the fiery chariot and his ascension into heaven?

1 point

17➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the son of Jacob who became a ruler in Egypt and played a key role in the salvation of his family during a famine?

1 point

18➤ According to the Gospel of Mark, what event occurred at the moment of Jesus' death on the cross, signifying the opening of access to God?

1 point

19➤ In the Book of Psalms, which psalm begins with the words, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want"?

1 point

20➤ According to the Gospel of John, what miracle did Jesus perform by turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana?

1 point

21➤ In the Book of Proverbs, what is often referred to as the beginning of wisdom and knowledge?

1 point

22➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven being like a wedding feast?

1 point

23➤ In the Book of Judges, who was the judge known for his incredible strength and long hair, which was the source of his power?

1 point

24➤ According to the Gospel of Luke, who were the two individuals present at the Transfiguration of Jesus, representing the Law and the Prophets?

1 point

25➤ In the Book of Exodus, what was the name of Moses' sister who played a role in the worship and celebration after crossing the Red Sea?

1 point

26➤ According to the Gospel of Mark, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven being like a mustard seed that grows into a large tree?

1 point

27➤ In the Book of Proverbs, what is considered better than great riches and is associated with contentment and satisfaction?

1 point

28➤ According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus use as an analogy to describe Himself as the ultimate source of life and sustenance?

1 point

29➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the first man created by God?

1 point

30➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven being like leaven hidden in three measures of flour?

1 point

31➤ In the Book of Exodus, what was the name of Moses' brother and spokesperson, known for his eloquence and leadership role?

1 point

32➤ According to the Gospel of Luke, who was the Roman governor during the time of Jesus' trial and crucifixion?

1 point

33➤ In the Book of Ruth, who was the kinsman-redeemer who married Ruth and preserved the family line of Elimelech?

1 point

34➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what Old Testament prophecy is quoted regarding Jesus being born in Bethlehem?

1 point

35➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the son of Jacob who became a ruler in Egypt and played a key role in the salvation of his family during a famine?

1 point

36➤ According to the Gospel of Mark, what event occurred on the Mount of Transfiguration, where Jesus' appearance changed before Peter, James, and John?

1 point

37➤ In the Book of Daniel, what was the name of the Babylonian king who threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace?

1 point

38➤ According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus use as an analogy to teach about the importance of humility and servant leadership?

1 point

39➤ In the Book of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, what appeared above the heads of the disciples as a sign of the Holy Spirit?

1 point

40➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what did Jesus use as an analogy for the Kingdom of Heaven being like leaven hidden in three measures of flour?

1 point

41➤ In the Book of Exodus, what was the name of Moses' brother and spokesperson, known for his eloquence and leadership role?

1 point

42➤ According to the Gospel of Luke, who was the Roman governor during the time of Jesus' trial and crucifixion?

1 point

43➤ In the Book of Ruth, who was the kinsman-redeemer who married Ruth and preserved the family line of Elimelech?

1 point

44➤ According to the Gospel of Matthew, what Old Testament prophecy is quoted regarding Jesus being born in Bethlehem?

1 point

45➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the first man created by God?

1 point

46➤ According to the Gospel of Mark, who was the woman with a chronic bleeding issue healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment?

1 point

47➤ In the Book of Genesis, who was the Egyptian official's wife who falsely accused Joseph of attempting to seduce her?

1 point

48➤ According to the Gospel of Luke, what was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary, announcing that she would conceive the Son of God?

1 point

49➤ In the Book of Acts, who was the disciple chosen to replace Judas Iscariot among the twelve apostles?

1 point

50➤ According to the Gospel of John, what miracle did Jesus perform by healing a man who had been blind from birth?

1 point

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