1➤ Who were the parents of John the Baptist?

1 point

2➤ Where was Jesus baptized?

1 point

3➤ Finish the passage: Store up for yourselves ________________ in heaven.

1 point

4➤ How many of the ten lepers who were healed returned to thank Jesus?

1 point

5➤ Who said, 'I did not come to bring peace but a sword?'

1 point

6➤ Who is called the Son of David?

1 point

7➤ Which expression refers to both Jesus and Jonah?

1 point

8➤ What did Jesus use to feed the 5000?

1 point

9➤ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for what?

1 point

10➤ On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday?

1 point

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