1➤ What island was Paul's first stop on his first missionary journey?

1 point

2➤ In which city were Paul and Barnabas treated as gods?

1 point

3➤ In which city was Paul stoned and left for dead?

1 point

4➤ When Philip disappeared from the eunuch of Ethiopia, where did he appear?

1 point

5➤ Where did Peter heal Aeneas?

1 point

6➤ Where did Cornelius live?

1 point

7➤ What was Timothy's home town?

1 point

8➤ Where did the Spirit of Jesus prevent Paul from going?

1 point

9➤ From which city did Lydia, the seller of purple, come?

1 point

10➤ In which city did Paul and Silas free a slave girl from a demon?

1 point

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