Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Ezekiel

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Ezekiel
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Ezekiel

Q ➤ Which is the 26th book in the Bible?

Q ➤ Who is the writer of prophetical book of Ezekiel?

Q ➤ How many chapters are there in Ezekiel?

Q ➤ How many verses are there in the book Ezekiel?

Q ➤ How many historical verses are in this book?

Q ➤ How many unfulfilled prophecies are in this book?

Q ➤ How many warnings are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many promises are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many questions are there in this book?

Q ➤ When was the book of Ezekiel written ?

Q ➤ What is the major verse in the prophetical book of Ezekiel?

Q ➤ Who had seen the visions of God by the banks of Kebar river?

Q ➤ Ezekiel saw visions of God during which King's 5th year?

Q ➤ In which place was Kebar river situated?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Ezekiel?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet and also a priest?

Q ➤ 6526 Who had seen the coming of whirl wind and great cloud with raging fire?

Q ➤ How many creatures had Ezekiel seen in the likeness of a man?

Q ➤ How many wings did the four living creatures have?

Q ➤ How did the faces of the each of thefour creatures look like?

Q ➤ Who had seen the moving burrining coals of fire?

Q ➤ The prophet who fell down before the appearance of the likeness of the glory of God?

Q ➤ Who was the rebellious, who had rebelled against God?

Q ➤ How does the lord sescribe the children of Israel to Ezekiel?

Q ➤ What was seen by Ezekiel from the hand that was stretched out to him?

Q ➤ What was written in the book of Ezekiel's vision?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who was introduced by the son of man?

Q ➤ The Old Testament man who ate scrolls in his vision?

Q ➤ Who had an impudent and hard heart?

Q ➤ How did Yahweh make Ezekiel's forehead against Israel?

Q ➤ Which is the metal that is harder than flint?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who was lifted up by the spirit?

Q ➤ Where did prophet Ezekiel dwell among captives?

Q ➤ Whom had God made a watchman for the house of Israel?

Q ➤ To whom had God ordered, go out into the olain?

Q ➤ Whom shut himself inside house after Yahweh spoke to him?

Q ➤ Whom did God wanted to take a clay tablet and portray on it a city, Jerusalem?

Q ➤ For how many days did the prophet lie on his left side and bore the iniquity of the house of Israel himself?

Q ➤ Who is the prophet who ate bread for 390 days?

Q ➤ Whose food was by weight, twenty shekels a day; from time to time before eating it?

Q ➤ Who was to eat and drink water and bread according to measurement?

Q ➤ How much water Ezekiel used to drink daily?

Q ➤ Who was to bake bread in human waste?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who baked bread in cowdung?

Q ➤ What did Yahweh intend by saying, I will cut off the measure of Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Who took a sharp sword as a barber's razor and passed it over his head and beard?

Q ➤ Who bound the hair on to the edge of his garments?

Q ➤ Who would feel their Gold as an unclean thing before the wrath of God?

Q ➤ Who would moum like the doves of the valleys on the mountain?

Q ➤ For what they used the beauty of their ornament?

Q ➤ Who had seen the vision of the image of Jealousy?

Q ➤ Who dug into the wall in vision?

Q ➤ Who said, that the Lord does not see us, the Lord had forsaken the land?

Q ➤ Who saw women weeping for Tammuz?

Q ➤ How many men did Ezekiel see between the porch and the altar of Yahweh worshipping the sun?

Q ➤ Who had commanded to each of them to take destroying weapon in their hand?

Q ➤ Who saw men comming with battle ax in their hand?

Q ➤ Who had seen a man dothed in linen and had a writing kit at his side?

Q ➤ 6568 Who had put a sign upon the foreheads of the men?

Q ➤ Where did Ezekiel seen something like a sapphire, inform resembling a throne?

Q ➤ Who had seen men in his vision devising iniquity and giving wicked counsel in the city?

Q ➤ 6571 Who died while Ezekiel was prophesying?

Q ➤ At whosedeath did Ezekiel fall down upon his face and cried in a loud voice?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Pelatiah?

Q ➤ Who was dwelling in the midst of a rebellious hose?

Q ➤ Who was rebellious house?

Q ➤ Whom did God make a sign for the house of Israel?

Q ➤ To whom did God command eat your bread with quaking, and drink water with trembling and fearfulness?

Q ➤ Who had proclaimed the proverb that the days go by and every vision comes to nothing?

Q ➤ Who were like foxes in the deserts?

Q ➤ Whose visions and divinations were false?

Q ➤ Who were the three men who had delivered themselves by their righteousness?

Q ➤ To whom did God ask 'can men make a peg from vine branch?

Q ➤ Who would be like the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest, which Lord would give to the fire for fuel?

Q ➤ Whose birth and nativity was from the land of Canaan and fathers was an Amorite and mother a Hittite?

Q ➤ Whose navel cord was not cut nor washed in water to cleanse, neither rubbed with salt nor wrapped in swaddling cloths?

Q ➤ Who grew up like a plant, of the field and become the most beautiful jewel whose breasts were formed and whose hair had grown?

Q ➤ Whose hakedness was covered by God's garments?

Q ➤ Who was clothed by Yahweh in embroidered cloth and was given sandals of leather ?

Q ➤ What was used for making sandals?

Q ➤ Who was adomed with omaments, bracelets on wrists and chain on neck?

Q ➤ Who ate pastry of fine flour, honey and oil and became exceedingly beautiful?

Q ➤ Whose fame went out among the nations because of beauty, for it was perfect through God's splendor which had bestowed on her?

Q ➤ Who rusted in her own beauty and played the harlot?

Q ➤ We built a shrine and made a high place in every street for herself?

Q ➤ Who had multiplied the acts of harlotry as far as the land of the Chaldea?

Q ➤ Who was an adulterous wife whohad taken strangers instead of her husband?

Q ➤ Where can we find "men making payment to all the harlots'?

Q ➤ Who were the opposite of other women in harlotry?

Q ➤ To whom was indicated in this proverb 'Like mother' like daughter?

Q ➤ Who was the elder sister of Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Who was the younger sister of Jerusalem?

Q ➤ About whom did the Lord say "neither your sister Sodom nor her daughtersdid as you and your daughter have done?

Q ➤ Who was having pride, fullness of food and abundance of idleness?

Q ➤ Whose sister Sodom was against whom not a word will be mentioned in the days of pride?.

Q ➤ Who was commanded to say about the parable of planting ckedar by great eagle?

Q ➤ Where can we find the proverb "the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge"?

Q ➤ Whose souls were God's?

Q ➤ Where can we find the soul who sins shall die" in Old Testament?

Q ➤ Who was told to have a lamentation for the ruler of Israel?

Q ➤ Which was the place which God had searched, 'flowing with milk and honey'?

Q ➤ How did the Lord God rule house of Israel?

Q ➤ Who prophesied against forest of south land according to the will of God?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who made sign and had put it at the head of the road to the city?

Q ➤ Who got direction to 'sing with a breaking heart and sing with bittemess?

Q ➤ Who striked his thigh and cried and wailed?

Q ➤ Who would pass under the rod and would be brought into the bond of the covenant by God?

Q ➤ Who was standing at the parting of the road, at the fork of the two roads, to use divination?

Q ➤ Who had prophised "Remove the turban and take off the crown?

Q ➤ What were the names given to Samaria and Jerusalem by God because of their harlotry?

Q ➤ Which country was indicated as the elder daughter Ohola?

Q ➤ Which country was indicated by oholiba'?

Q ➤ Who got divine direction to 'prophecy and strike hands together?

Q ➤ Which city was as allegoric as 'the pot whose rust was in it'?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who considered his wife's death as the sign for the house of Israel?

Q ➤ Whom would God make as the stable for camels?

Q ➤ Whom did the God make as a resting place for flocks?

Q ➤ Who was against the house of Judah by taking vengeance, and had greatly offended by avenging itself on them?

Q ➤ How did God lay vengeance on Edom?

Q ➤ Who was the gateway of the people?

Q ➤ Who was complemented as king of kings by God?

Q ➤ In whose departure the coast lands by the sea were troubled?

Q ➤ Who said that I am perfect in beauty?

Q ➤ Whose borders were in the midst of the seas?

Q ➤ Whose oarsmen were the inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad?

Q ➤ Who made Tyre's beauty perfect by hanging their shields on the walls all around?

Q ➤ Who traded with Tyre's war horses, work horses and mules?

Q ➤ Who was Tyre's merchant in saddlecloths?

Q ➤ Who were filled with heavy cargo in the midst of the seas?

Q ➤ Who had increased riches by great wisdom in trade?

Q ➤ Who would die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of aliens?

Q ➤ Who were the zeal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty?

Q ➤ Who was perfect in the way from the day he was created, till iniquity was found in him?

Q ➤ Where did the king of Tyre dwell?

Q ➤ Which was the original place of the Egyptians?

Q ➤ What was the strength of Egypt?

Q ➤ Who was filled with violence within and sinned by the abundance of trading?

Q ➤ Who was destroyed from the midst of the fiery stones?

Q ➤ Which king's heart was lifted up because of beauty, and corrupted wisdom for the sake of splendor?

Q ➤ Whom did Ezekiel compliment as the 'great monster'?

Q ➤ Who was the great monster who said that 'My river is my own; I have made it for myself'?

Q ➤ Which land shall become desolate and wasteland?

Q ➤ Which land God would set fire?

Q ➤ Who was like a young lion among the nations?

Q ➤ Whose blood would be used to water the land and mountain by God?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who said that they caused their terror in the land of the living?

Q ➤ About whom is it pointed here 'The righteousness of him shall not deliver in the day of transgression?

Q ➤ Who prophesied that O Mount Seir, I am against you?

Q ➤ Who was brought out by the spirit of the Lord and seated down in the midst of the valley?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who passed by the bones filled in the open valley?

Q ➤ Who prophesied to the dry bones?

Q ➤ Who was the prince of Magog?

Q ➤ Who prophesied to the wind?

Q ➤ Who would get a burial place in Israel?

Q ➤ Which was the valley of Gog and his horders would be burried?

Q ➤ Who had seen a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze?

Q ➤ Who saw a measuring rod in the man's hand?

Q ➤ How many chambers faced the pavement in Ezekiel's vision?

Q ➤ Who saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east?

Q ➤ Who was the Canonite prophet seen at the table before the Lord?

Q ➤ What was the inheritance of Levi priests?

Q ➤ Who was not to eat bird or beast that died naturally or was tom by wild beasts?

Q ➤ What was to set apart for Lord while dividing the land by lot into inheritance?

Q ➤ Who visioned a man with the line in his Land?

Q ➤ How many portions Joseph had while they divided the land as an inheritance among the twelve tribes?

Q ➤ What is the meaning of Jehovah-Shammah?