Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Jeremiah

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Jeremiah
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Jeremiah

Q ➤ The 24th book of the Bible

Q ➤ No. of chapters in Jeremiah

Q ➤ No. of verses in Jeremiah

Q ➤ No, of historical verses in Jeremiah

Q ➤ No. of warnings

Q ➤ No. of fulfilled prophecies

Q ➤ No. of prophecies yet to be fulfilled

Q ➤ No. of questions in this book

Q ➤ No. of promises

Q ➤ The author of this book

Q ➤ Most important verse of this book

Q ➤ When was this book written

Q ➤ Which chapter contains warning against Judea

Q ➤ Where is Jeremiah's sufferings mentioned

Q ➤ In which chapter is the fall of Jerusalem mentioned

Q ➤ Where are the judgments against gentiles written?

Q ➤ Name of Jeremiah's father?

Q ➤ Native land of Jeremiah?

Q ➤ Tribe of Jeremiah?

Q ➤ Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of?

Q ➤ What was Jeremiahs father's profession?

Q ➤ I am only a child, who said?

Q ➤ Whose mouth was touched by God?

Q ➤ The prophet who saw the branch of an almond tree?

Q ➤ Who saw a boiling pot?

Q ➤ I am with you and will rescue you" whose words are these?

Q ➤ Who was holy and first fruit to the Lord?

Q ➤ Who did not know the Lord?

Q ➤ Whom did the priest not seek?

Q ➤ Which were 2 sins committed by Israel according to Jeremiah?

Q ➤ Men of memphis had shaved whose crown of head?

Q ➤ Who laid down as a prostitute under every high hill and under every spreading tree?

Q ➤ Who became a wild vine even though planted like a choice vine?

Q ➤ Whose stain would not be removed even after cleaning with soda andabundance of soap?

Q ➤ Who was the wild donkey who was accustomed to the desert?

Q ➤ Who was disgraced as a thief was disgraced?

Q ➤ Who said to wood "You gave me birth"?

Q ➤ Who had as many gods as the no. of towns?

Q ➤ Who did not respond to correction even though God punished them?

Q ➤ Whose sword had devoured the prophets like a ravening lion?

Q ➤ Who was faithless?

Q ➤ Who had defiled the land by her immorality?

Q ➤ The prophet who said "Return, faithless Israel"?

Q ➤ Which was the throne of the Lord?

Q ➤ Who was weeping at the barren hills because they had forgotten their Lord?

Q ➤ To whom had the Lord said not to sow among thorns and to break up unplowed ground?

Q ➤ From where did the disaster come?

Q ➤ Who got the prophesy that the priests will be terrified and the prophets would be appalled?

Q ➤ Who was asked to wash away the evil from the heart to be saved?

Q ➤ Who had seen the fruitful land becoming desert?

Q ➤ Who had been utterly unfaithful to the Lord?

Q ➤ To whom did the Lord commmand to wash away the wickedness of their hearts for being saved?

Q ➤ What cannot cross the borders even though it roars?

Q ➤ Which is the everlasting boundary for the sea?

Q ➤ Who had stubborn and rebellious hearts?

Q ➤ Whose houses were full of deceit?

Q ➤ Who had grown fat and sleek?

Q ➤ Who was asked to flee from Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Where did the sound of the trumpet rise?

Q ➤ From where was the signal to be raised?

Q ➤ Who was beautiful and delicate?

Q ➤ Which city was said to be punished?

Q ➤ Which city was filled with oppression?

Q ➤ Which city poured out wickedness as a well pours out water?

Q ➤ Whose remnant was asked to be gathered like grapes?

Q ➤ Who practiced deceit?

Q ➤ What did they say while dressing the wound of the people?

Q ➤ 6235."This city must be punished" about which city jeremiah said this?

Q ➤ Who would fall among the fallen?

Q ➤ 'Stand at the cross roads and look; ask for the ancient paths" who prophesied?

Q ➤ The name given to Israel since the Lord had rejected them?

Q ➤ "Reform your ways and actions" who prophesied"

Q ➤ The place where God had 1st made a dwelling for His name?

Q ➤ Where were the high places of Topheth built?

Q ➤ Where was the valley of Ben Hinnon?

Q ➤ The bird which knew its appointed time?

Q ➤ The birds that observed their time of migration?

Q ➤ Whose laying pen had made the law of the Lord false?

Q ➤ "The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved, who said? Jeremiah?

Q ➤ The land without physician?

Q ➤ A Prophet who prophised about the judgment?

Q ➤ Which land would become a heap of ruins and a hunt of jackals?

Q ➤ Who ate bitter food and drank poisoned water?

Q ➤ Who was uncircumcised in their heart?

Q ➤ Whose ways were not to be learned?

Q ➤ Who are terrified by the signs in sky?

Q ➤ What was like the scare crow in a melon patch?

Q ➤ By what would every gold smith be ashamed off?

Q ➤ Who would perish when the judgment come?

Q ➤ Which country was called as an iron furnace?

Q ➤ Who had many gods as the no. of towns?

Q ➤ Who had set up as many altars as the street of Jerusalem for Baal?

Q ➤ Whom had God called as an olive tree with fruit beautiful in form?

Q ➤ Who had provoked God to anger by burning incense too Baal?

Q ➤ Who was seeking Jeremiah's life?

Q ➤ Who nad put a linen belt by the command of the Lord?

Q ➤ Where did Jeremiah hide his linen belt?

Q ➤ Who could not change his skin?

Q ➤ What cannot change its sports?

Q ➤ Which city did not want to be holy?

Q ➤ Which animal deserted her newbom because of the lack of the gras?

Q ➤ Who panted like jackals from the barren heights?

Q ➤ Which was the prophet who prayed "do not forsake me"?

Q ➤ Who had gone to a land that they did not know?

Q ➤ Who had eaten the words of God?

Q ➤ Who didn't sit with the revelers and marry with them?

Q ➤ Who did not merry as per the words of the Lord?

Q ➤ What we have to do to be God's spokesman?

Q ➤ Who was asked by God not to marry at that place?

Q ➤ Who was asked not to mourn or show sympathy?

Q ➤ Whose sin was written with an iron tool and a diamond point?

Q ➤ Who is the blessed man?

Q ➤ Who would be like a bush in the waste lands?

Q ➤ What is deceitful above all things?

Q ➤ The bird which hatched eggs that it did not lay?

Q ➤ Where is it written that "those who turn away from you will be written in the dust?

Q ➤ Who went to the potter's house obeying Lord's command?

Q ➤ Who was in the hands of the Lord, Just like clay in the hands of the potter?

Q ➤ What never vanished from the rocky slopes?

Q ➤ What would be not lost from the prophet?

Q ➤ From whom had Jeremiah to buy a clay Jar?

Q ➤ The valley near the entrance of the pot sherd Gate?

Q ➤ According to Jeremiah's prophecy, what would be the name of the valley of Ben Hansom?

Q ➤ The chief officer of the temple by whom Jeremiah was beaten up?

Q ➤ Father of Pusher?

Q ➤ In which stock was Jeremiah put?

Q ➤ Who had put Jeremiah in the stock?

Q ➤ What name was given to pushher by God?

Q ➤ Meaning of the name major Missabib?

Q ➤ What did God say about the palace of the king of Judah?

Q ➤ Whose palace was like Gilead and the summit of Lebanon?

Q ➤ Which prophet was always insulted?

Q ➤ Who always cried out proclajming violence and destruction?

Q ➤ To whom did the word of the Lord bring insult and reproach?

Q ➤ The prophet who cursed his own birthday?

Q ➤ "May the day ,my mother bore me not be blessed" whose words are these?

Q ➤ Whose palace was like Gilead and the summit of Lebanon?

Q ➤ Whose wickedness was found in the temple?

Q ➤ Who had built his palace by unrighteousness and injustice?

Q ➤ Who was told to eat bitter food and drink poisoned water?

Q ➤ Whose shepherds would be driven by the wind?

Q ➤ Who would be pulled off even though he is a signet ring on god's right-hand?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Jehoiachin?

Q ➤ "O Land, land, land hear the word of the Lord" who said ?

Q ➤ Which were the two godless groups?

Q ➤ Whose path would be come slippery?

Q ➤ Who prophesied by Baal and led the people of Israel astray?

Q ➤ Which was the prophets who committed adultery and led a lie?

Q ➤ Who said "Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream" ?

Q ➤ Which prophet saw two baskets of figs placed in front of the temple of the Lord?

Q ➤ Whom did God regard as the good figs?

Q ➤ Whom did God call as 'my servant'?

Q ➤ For how many years did they serve the Babylonian king?

Q ➤ Who had taken the cup filled with the wine of God's wrath and made all nations drink it?

Q ➤ Which prophet was asked to be freed from the death sentence?

Q ➤ Which prophet said "as for me, I am in your hands"?

Q ➤ Which prophet said" Zion will be plowed like a field"?

Q ➤ Who said that Jerusalem would become a heap of rubble?

Q ➤ The land of Ukiah?

Q ➤ Which king sought to put Jeremiah to death?

Q ➤ The land to which Uriah fleed?

Q ➤ Father of Elnathan?

Q ➤ Who killed prophet Uriah?

Q ➤ Who saved Jeremiah from death?

Q ➤ Who was Ahikam's father?

Q ➤ The prophet who made yoke and crossbars?

Q ➤ Son of Azzur?

Q ➤ Which prophet prophesied that God would break the Yoke of the king of Babylon?

Q ➤ From whose neck had Hananiah taken off the Yoke?

Q ➤ Which prophet said to Hannah that he had persuaded the people to trust in a lie?

Q ➤ Who prophesied the death of Hanania?

Q ➤ Which prophet died since he had preached rebellion against the Lord?

Q ➤ Which king had burned Sedalia in fire?

Q ➤ Who preached rebellion against God?

Q ➤ Who was asked to write the record of all those words which God had spoken to him?

Q ➤ What the people who would survive the sword would find what?

Q ➤ Which was the foremost of the nations?

Q ➤ Which prophet had prophesied about Rachel weeping for the children?

Q ➤ Who moaned, that you disciplined me like an unruly calf?

Q ➤ Who was ashamed and humiliated because he had bore the disgrace of his youth?

Q ➤ Who was the dear son of God?

Q ➤ Which prophet said that woman would man?

Q ➤ Who prophesied that God would refresh the weary?

Q ➤ Who was confined in the courtyard of the guard?

Q ➤ Who was Jeremiah's uncle?

Q ➤ Who had bought a field by the command of the Lord?

Q ➤ What was the cost of the field that Jeremiah had bought?

Q ➤ What was the name of the place where Jeremiah had bought a field?

Q ➤ What was the cost of the field that Jeremiah had bought?

Q ➤ To whom did Jeremiah handover the deed?

Q ➤ Who kept the deed in clay Jar?

Q ➤ What was the limit of God's love?

Q ➤ Whose purposes are great and deeds are mighty?

Q ➤ Is anything too hard for me" who said to whom?

Q ➤ Where was Jeremiah confined to?

Q ➤ Son of Jeremiah?

Q ➤ Who avoided vine according the command of their forefathers?

Q ➤ Who was the father who had advised his ch8ildren to avoid vine?

Q ➤ Who wrote down Jeremiah's prophesies on scroll?

Q ➤ The father of Baruch?

Q ➤ Where had Jeremiah written down the words?

Q ➤ Who read Jeremiah's scroll for the king?

Q ➤ Who had thrown the scrolls into the firepot after reading it?

Q ➤ A prophet who was hidden by God?

Q ➤ According to Jeremiah, whose dead body would be thrown out and would be exposed to heat by day and frost by night?

Q ➤ Who had hidden themselves by the fear of the king?