Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from 1 Chronicles

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from 1 Chronicles
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from 1 Chronicles

Q ➤ 13TH Book in the Bible?

Q ➤ Total number of chapters?

Q ➤ Total number of verses?

Q ➤ Important verse?

Q ➤ Historical verses?

Q ➤ Total number of prophecies fulfilled?

Q ➤ Total number of prophecies yet to be fulfilled?

Q ➤ Warnings?

Q ➤ Commands?

Q ➤ Questions?

Q ➤ Promises?

Q ➤ The one who brought trouble on Israel by violating the ban on taking devoted things?

Q ➤ The second among the sons of Jesse?

Q ➤ The daughters of Jesse?

Q ➤ Wives of Caleb?

Q ➤ The daughter of Caleb born of Ephrath?

Q ➤ The name of the father of Gilead?

Q ➤ Name the person who had two hundred cities in the land of Gilead?

Q ➤ The son of Nadab who died without children?

Q ➤ The man who gave his daughter in marriage to his servant?

Q ➤ Who were the concubines of Caleb?

Q ➤ The first born of Ephrathah?

Q ➤ Father of Kiriath Jearim?

Q ➤ How many years of history is included in this book?

Q ➤ The writer?

Q ➤ Father of Nimrod?

Q ➤ The first mighty warrior on earth?

Q ➤ Sons of Ham?

Q ➤ In whose time was the earth divided?

Q ➤ The brother of Peleg?

Q ➤ The first born of Ishmael?

Q ➤ The sister of Lotan?

Q ➤ Father of Bela?

Q ➤ The name of the city of Bela?

Q ➤ The first king in Edom?

Q ➤ The land of Zerah?

Q ➤ Who succeeded Bela as king?

Q ➤ Who succeeded Husham as King?

Q ➤ The land of Husham?

Q ➤ The King who defeated the Midianites in the country of Moab?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Hadad?

Q ➤ The city of Hadad?

Q ➤ Who was the successor of Hadad?

Q ➤ The land of Shaul?

Q ➤ The land of Samlah?

Q ➤ The daughter in-law of Judah?

Q ➤ The first born of Judah?

Q ➤ The name of Hadad's wife?

Q ➤ Children of Tamar?

Q ➤ How many children did Judah have?

Q ➤ The first born of Jesse?

Q ➤ The first bom of Jesse?

Q ➤ The second among the sons of Jesse?

Q ➤ Who were the daughter's of Jesse?

Q ➤ Wives of Caleb?

Q ➤ The daughter of Caleb born of Ephrath?

Q ➤ The name of the father of Gilead?

Q ➤ The person who had two hundred cities in the land of Gilead?

Q ➤ The son of Nadab who died without children?

Q ➤ The son of Jada who died without children?

Q ➤ The men who gave his daughter in marriage to his servant?

Q ➤ Who were the concubines of Caleb?

Q ➤ The first born of Ephrathah?

Q ➤ Father of Kiriath Jearim?

Q ➤ The son of David born to Abigail?

Q ➤ The first born of David born to Ahinoam?

Q ➤ The son of David born to Maacah?

Q ➤ The son of David born to Haggith?

Q ➤ The mother of Adonijah?

Q ➤ The husband of Maacah?

Q ➤ The husband of Haggith?

Q ➤ The husband of Abital?

Q ➤ The son of David born to Abital?

Q ➤ The son of David born to Eglah?

Q ➤ The husband of Eglah?

Q ➤ How many children were born to David at Hebron?

Q ➤ The number of children of David who were born to Bethshua?

Q ➤ The husband of Bethshua (Bethsheba)?

Q ➤ The wives of Asbhur?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Bethlehem?

Q ➤ The name of the father of Tekoa?

Q ➤ Who was more honorable than his brothers?

Q ➤ Who prayed to God to enlarge his territory?

Q ➤ The relationship between Kenaz and Othniel?

Q ➤ Pharzoh's daughter who Mered had married?

Q ➤ Father of Shimei?

Q ➤ Who had thirteen sons and six daughters?

Q ➤ The first born of Israel?

Q ➤ Who was the strongest of his brothers?

Q ➤ The sons of Reuben?

Q ➤ The son of Micah?

Q ➤ Father of Beerah?

Q ➤ The King who took Beerah into exile?

Q ➤ The sons of Levi?

Q ➤ The son of Kohath?

Q ➤ Sons of Aaron?

Q ➤ Who served as a priest in the temple of Solomon?

Q ➤ The son of Gershon?

Q ➤ The son of Libni?

Q ➤ The son of Jehath?

Q ➤ The son of Zimmah?

Q ➤ The son of Joah?

Q ➤ The son of Iddo?

Q ➤ The son of Zerah?

Q ➤ The first born of Samuel?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Caleb?

Q ➤ A musician among the sons of Kohathites?

Q ➤ Who were the son of Issachar?

Q ➤ Who were the three sons of Benjamin?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Gilead?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Manasseh?

Q ➤ Who was the wife of Makir?

Q ➤ Who had built the city of Beth Horon?

Q ➤ The father of peresh and sheerah?

Q ➤ The first born of Benjamin?

Q ➤ The second son of Benjamin?

Q ➤ The third son of Benjamin?

Q ➤ The fourth son of Bejamin?

Q ➤ The fifth son of Benjamín?

Q ➤ The son of Korah?

Q ➤ The son of Ebiasaph?

Q ➤ The son of Kore?

Q ➤ The son of Meshullam?

Q ➤ The son of Hodaviah?

Q ➤ The son of Hassenuah?

Q ➤ The son of Judah?

Q ➤ The son of Bani?

Q ➤ The son of Imri?

Q ➤ The son of Ammihud?

Q ➤ Name the man who divorced of his two wives?

Q ➤ The wives who were divorced by Shaharaim?

Q ➤ The son of Uzzi?

Q ➤ Who is the son of Shephatiah?

Q ➤ The official incharge of the house of God?

Q ➤ The son of Meraioth?

Q ➤ The son of Zadok?

Q ➤ The son of Meshullam?

Q ➤ The son of Adiel?

Q ➤ The son of Jeduthan?

Q ➤ The wife of Jeiel?

Q ➤ The son of Saul?

Q ➤ The father of Zimri?

Q ➤ The son of Moza?

Q ➤ Who was the son of Jonathan?

Q ➤ Who had the responsibility of baking the offering bread?

Q ➤ Who killed Jonathan?

Q ➤ Who killed Abinadab?

Q ➤ Who killed Malki-Shua?

Q ➤ Who asked his armour-bearer to kill him?

Q ➤ At which place did Saul fall slain?

Q ➤ Where did the Philistines hang up Saul's head?

Q ➤ The man who died because he consulted a medium for guidance?

Q ➤ David was anointed as a king at where?

Q ➤ What was the other name of Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Who said that David will not get in Jerusalem?

Q ➤ "Should I drink the blood of these men who went at the risk of their lives"? Who asked this questions?

Q ➤ Who was the fighter who killed a lion?

Q ➤ One of the mighty men of David was a grand son of a valiant fighter from Jabzeel? Who was that?

Q ➤ The one who killed two of Moab's best men?

Q ➤ The body guard of David?

Q ➤ The father of Benaiah?

Q ➤ The people who were armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed?

Q ➤ A mighty man among the thirty and was a leader of the thirty?

Q ➤ Who were the people whose faces were the faces of lions and were as swift as gazelles in the mountains?

Q ➤ The people who crossed Jordan when it was over flowing all its banks and put to fight everyone living in the valleys?

Q ➤ "We are yours, O David! We are with you" who said these words?

Q ➤ Who had a great army like the army of God?

Q ➤ With whom did the 120, 000 men spend three days eating and drinking?

Q ➤ What was the other name of Baalah?

Q ➤ The name of the place where Uzzah died?

Q ➤ Where did David keep the ark of God After he took it from Ahinadab's house?

Q ➤ Who defeated the enemies as waters broke out?

Q ➤ Who gave the order to bum the god's of the Philistines?

Q ➤ Who was the in-charge of the singing of the choirs when David brought Ark of the Covenant from Obed-Edom's house?

Q ➤ The wife who despised her husband in heart when she saw him dancing and celebrating?

Q ➤ Who was the chief appointed by David to give thanks and praise to the Lord?

Q ➤ Who were appointed to blow the trumpets regularly before the ark of the covenant of God?

Q ➤ "Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations" who said?

Q ➤ "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?

Q ➤ Who was defeated by David at Hamath?

Q ➤ The Kingdom of Hadadezer?

Q ➤ Who were the people who helped king Hadadezer?

Q ➤ How many chariots of Hadadezer were captured by David?

Q ➤ How many charioteers of Hadadezer were captured by David?

Q ➤ How many foot soldiers of Hadadezer were captured by David?

Q ➤ The number of Arameans who were killed by David?

Q ➤ Who was the king of Ammonites?

Q ➤ The person who killed 18000 Edomites in the valley of salt?

Q ➤ The Israelites king who appointed guards in Edom?

Q ➤ The successor of king Nahash?

Q ➤ Who were the people who hired thirty two thousand chariots and charioteers to fight against David?

Q ➤ The commander of Hadadezer's army?

Q ➤ The king who killed 7000 charioteers and 4000 foot soldiers of Arameans?

Q ➤ Who killed Sippai?

Q ➤ The brother of Goliath?

Q ➤ A huge man who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot?

Q ➤ Who were the people not included in the numbering?

Q ➤ The commander who did not include Levi and Benjamin in the numbering?

Q ➤ "I have sinned greatly by doing this" who said?

Q ➤ "I am in deep distress" who said to whom?

Q ➤ The king who had to chose any one of the three options?

Q ➤ During the time of David, seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead because of the plague sent by God why?

Q ➤ The amount of gold which David kept for the temple of the Lord?

Q ➤ A king who had brought a land for building up an altar by giving 600 shekel of gold?

Q ➤ The Lord answered to whom with fire from heaven on the altar of the burnt offering?

Q ➤ How many people were there in the temple of the Lord to praise the Lord?

Q ➤ Who was the son of Levi who died without having sons?

Q ➤ Name a Levitate scribe?

Q ➤ How many people were appointed by Solomon for work of the temple of the Lord?

Q ➤ A person who prophesied, using the harp in thanking and praising the Lord?

Q ➤ How many sons of Eleazer were divided?

Q ➤ How many sons of Ithamar were divided?

Q ➤ To whom was fourteen sons and three daughters given by God to exalt him?

Q ➤ The total number of men who were trained and skilled in music for the Lord along with their relatives?

Q ➤ Who were the leaders in their father's family because they were very capable men?

Q ➤ The son of Zabdiel?

Q ➤ Son of Ikkesh?

Q ➤ Son of Zicri?

Q ➤ Son of Maacah?

Q ➤ Son of Michael?

Q ➤ Son of Obadiah?

Q ➤ Son of Azriel?

Q ➤ Son of Azaziah?

Q ➤ Son of Pedaiah?

Q ➤ Son of Zechariah?

Q ➤ Son of Abner?

Q ➤ Son of Adiel?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the royal store houses?

Q ➤ Who was, in charge of the storehouses in the outlying districts, in the towns the villages and the watch towers?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the vineyards?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the field workers who formed the land?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the produce of the vineyards for the wine vats?

Q ➤ Son of Jeroham?

Q ➤ Son of Uzziah?

Q ➤ Son of Hacmoni?

Q ➤ Who was Ahithophel?

Q ➤ Who was Joab?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Benaiah?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the Olive and Sycamore-fig trees in the western foot hills?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the supplies of Olive oil?

Q ➤ Who was in charge of the herds in the valleys?

Q ➤ Who was the in charge of the camels?

Q ➤ Who was the in charge of the donkeys?

Q ➤ Who was the in charge of the flocks?

Q ➤ What was the name of David's uncle who was a counselor, a man of insight and a scribe?

Q ➤ Who took care of the sons of David?

Q ➤ Who was the royal friend of David?

Q ➤ Who were the successors of Ahithophel?

Q ➤ Who was the commander of the royal army?

Q ➤ The plan of the temple of the Lord was given to Solomon by whom?

Q ➤ "This palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God? Who said?

Q ➤ "My son is young and inexperienced, but the task is great" who said?

Q ➤ How many years did David rule over Israel?

Q ➤ How many years David ruled in Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Total number of years David ruled in Hebron?

Q ➤ Name the Israelite King who died at a good old age, having enjoyed a long life, wealth and honour?

Q ➤ Where do we find the details about David?