Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Luke

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Luke
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Luke

Q ➤ In the arranged order of the books in the Bible, what is the place of the gospel of st. Luke?

Q ➤ Which is the third book in the New Testament?

Q ➤ Total number of chapters in the Gospel of St. Luke?

Q ➤ Total number of verses in the gospel of Luke?

Q ➤ How many questions are found in this book?

Q ➤ How many Old Testament prophecies are quoted in this book?

Q ➤ How many prophecies are found as New Testament prophecies?

Q ➤ Total number of fulfilled prophecies in this book?

Q ➤ Total number of unfulfilled prophecies in this book?

Q ➤ How many verses in this book are connected to history?

Q ➤ Who is the writer of this book?

Q ➤ The period in which this book has been written?

Q ➤ Key word?

Q ➤ What is the important verse in this book?

Q ➤ Who is addressed to in this book?

Q ➤ What is the meaning of the name 'Theophilus'?

Q ➤ Who was the ruler of Judea at the time of Zechariah the priest?

Q ➤ In which priestly division was Zechariah, the priest?

Q ➤ What was the name of Zechariah's wife?

Q ➤ In what manner Zechariah entered in to the temple of the lord?

Q ➤ Who was chosen by lot to burn incense?

Q ➤ Who saw the appearance of an angel of the lord, standing at the right side of the altar of incense?

Q ➤ For he will be great in the sight of the lord; who is he?

Q ➤ Who was filled with Holy Spirit even from birth?

Q ➤ Who is the angel who talked to Zechariah, the priest?

Q ➤ Why did Zechariah become dumb?

Q ➤ Which priest was not able to speak to people and lead the life of a dumb for a short period?

Q ➤ How many months Elizabeth remained in seclusion?

Q ➤ Who said this: "from now on all generations will call me blessed"?

Q ➤ Where did angel Gabriel go on the sixth month?

Q ➤ Which virgin was betrothed to a man who was a descendant of David?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Greetings, you who are highly favored!"?

Q ➤ Who is the son of the most high?

Q ➤ Whose names were decided earlier even they are at their mother's womb?

Q ➤ Whom will the lord give the throne of his father David?

Q ➤ Who will be the king of house of Jacob forever?

Q ➤ Whose kingdom has no end?

Q ➤ Who asked it to whom: "How will this be, since I am a virgin"?

Q ➤ What will be called to the Holy One?

Q ➤ Name the relative of Mary?

Q ➤ Who is the mother of John the Baptist?

Q ➤ Whose word is this: "I am the Lord's servant; may it be to me as you have said"?

Q ➤ Who went to Zechariah's home to greet Elizabeth?

Q ➤ In whose womb the baby leaped when Mary's greetings were heard?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "why am I so favored, that the mother of my lord should come to me"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "the mighty one has done great things for me"?

Q ➤ Who stayed with Elizabeth for about three months?

Q ➤ How many months did Mary live with Elizabeth?

Q ➤ Who is the father of John, the Baptist?

Q ➤ On which day his parents brought John the Baptist for circumcision?

Q ➤ This man's name was not named before him to any of his relatives?

Q ➤ Who asked for a writing tablet in order to write his son's name?

Q ➤ Whose hands were with John the Baptist?

Q ➤ Who was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied?

Q ➤ Who is the prophet of the Most High?

Q ➤ Who prophesied it: "You my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High"?

Q ➤ Whose words are this: "because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven"?

Q ➤ Who lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel?

Q ➤ Who issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world?

Q ➤ Who was the governor of Syria during the time of Jesus' birth?

Q ➤ Joseph's tribe?

Q ➤ City of David?

Q ➤ Where did Mary and Joseph go from Nazareth for taking census?

Q ➤ Where was Mary when the time came for Baby to be born?

Q ➤ Where Mary placed her first bom, because there was no room for them in the inn?

Q ➤ Who were terrified by the voice of the angel?

Q ➤ What was the message from the angel to the shepherds?

Q ➤ What was the name given to Jesus by the angel who talked to the shepherd?

Q ➤ What was the sign given to shepherd by the angel?

Q ➤ Who sang with the angel?

Q ➤ What did the heavenly host sing with the angel?

Q ➤ Who saw Jesus first?

Q ➤ On which day Jesus was named?

Q ➤ Who waits for the consolation of Israel?

Q ➤ Who stayed in the temple of the lord for 84 years in prayer and fasting?

Q ➤ How old was Jesus when he stood in the temple?

Q ➤ Who asked this to Jesus: "Son why have you treated us like this?

Q ➤ Who grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men?

Q ➤ What was the term used for recognizing the local rulers all over the country of Rome?

Q ➤ Who was the governor of Judea in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar's rule?

Q ➤ Where did Herod rule during the reign of Tiberius Caesar?

Q ➤ Who was the brother of Herod?

Q ➤ Where did Philip rule?

Q ➤ Where did Lysanias the tetrarch rule?

Q ➤ Name the tetrarch of Galilee?

Q ➤ Who were the high priests in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar's reign?

Q ➤ Where was the John the Baptist when he received the word from the Lord?

Q ➤ Who did receive the word of the lord in the desert?

Q ➤ Who preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins?

Q ➤ What did John the Baptist call the multitude?

Q ➤ Who advised people to produce fruit in keeping with repentance?

Q ➤ Whom did John the Baptist advice to produce fruit in keeping with repentance?

Q ➤ Whose words are these; every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown in to the fire?

Q ➤ Who made this statement: for I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham?

Q ➤ Who baptize people with Holy Spirit and with fire?

Q ➤ Who were the high priests in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar's reign?

Q ➤ Where was John the Baptist when he received the word from the Lord?

Q ➤ Who received the word of the lord in the desert?

Q ➤ Who preached the Baptism of repentance for the remission of sins?

Q ➤ What did John the Baptist call the multitude?

Q ➤ Who preached to people," produce fruit in keeping with repentance"?

Q ➤ Whom did John the Baptist advice to produce fruit in keeping with repentance?

Q ➤ Whose words are these; every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into fire?

Q ➤ Who made this statement: For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham?

Q ➤ Who baptize people with Holy Spirit and with fire?

Q ➤ Whom with is the winnowing fan kept?

Q ➤ Who took his brother's wife as his wife?

Q ➤ In whose Baptism was the heaven opened?

Q ➤ Above whom the Holy sprit descended like a dove?

Q ➤ Where from this voice came: "You are My son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased"?

Q ➤ How old was Jesus when he started his public ministry?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Joseph?

Q ➤ Who is the son of Heli?

Q ➤ Whose son is Esli?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Nathan?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Zerubabbel?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Neri?

Q ➤ Who is the father of Eliezer?

Q ➤ Levi's father?

Q ➤ Father of melea?

Q ➤ Father of Boaz?

Q ➤ Father of Abraham?

Q ➤ Terah's father?

Q ➤ Father of Noah?

Q ➤ Father of Methusaleh?

Q ➤ Enoch's father?

Q ➤ Father of Seth?

Q ➤ Father of sheth?

Q ➤ Whose son is Adam?

Q ➤ How many days were Jesus tempted by Satan?

Q ➤ Where did the Holy Spirit lead Jesus after His baptism?

Q ➤ Who was tempted when he was hungry?

Q ➤ Whom about is it recorded that at the end of fasting he became hungry?

Q ➤ Who said it: "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I will give you all their authority and splendor"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here"?

Q ➤ Where did Jesus return after a series of temptations?

Q ➤ Where did Jesus grown-up?

Q ➤ Who led Jesus to stand on the highest point of the temple?

Q ➤ Which scroll was handed over to be read in the synagogue?

Q ➤ On whom was the eyes of every one in the synagogue fastened?

Q ➤ Why did people amazed at Jesus?

Q ➤ In whose time the sky was shut for three and half years and there was a severe. famine through the land?

Q ➤ Where did God send Elijah during the season of famine?

Q ➤ Name the leper who was healed by Elijah?

Q ➤ Whom did people take to the brow of the hill on which the town was built?

Q ➤ Who said it: "I know who you are the Holy one of God?

Q ➤ What Luke says about the disease of Peter's mother-in-law?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I must preach the goodness of the kingdom of God to the other towns also"?

Q ➤ What was the other name of Sea of Galilee?

Q ➤ Whose ship was used by Jesus as stage?

Q ➤ Who said it: "put out into deep water, and let down the net for a catch"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Master we have worked hard all night and have not caught anything?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Go away from me lord; I am a sinful man"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "don't be afraid, from now on you will catch men"?

Q ➤ Whose sons are James and John?

Q ➤ How did Jesus cleanse the leper?

Q ➤ Whom did Jesus say 'friend your sins are forgiven'?

Q ➤ Who asked: "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy"?

Q ➤ Who has the authority on earth to forgive human sins?

Q ➤ Who sat at tax collectors booth?

Q ➤ What was the job of Levi?

Q ➤ Name the tax collector who followed Jesus?

Q ➤ Who made a banquet in his home for Jesus?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick"?

Q ➤ What is not stitched with new garment?

Q ➤ What is not pored out into the old wine skin?

Q ➤ Where is the new wine is kept?

Q ➤ What will happen if we poured out new wine into old wineskin?

Q ➤ On what day Jesus' disciples picked some ears of corn?

Q ➤ Who asked: "why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath"?

Q ➤ Who and his companions ate the consecrated bread?

Q ➤ On what day Jesus healed the person with a withered hand?

Q ➤ Who became furious against Jesus when they saw the healing of the person with withered hand?

Q ➤ How many people were chosen from a big group of disciples?

Q ➤ What was the designation that Jesus gave to those who were chosen by him?

Q ➤ Who shall get the kingdom of God?

Q ➤ Who was a zealot among the disciples of Jesus?

Q ➤ What will the people who are hungry receive?

Q ➤ What shall the people do, who mourn now?

Q ➤ What must be the attitude towards enemy?

Q ➤ What shall you do to those who treat you badly?

Q ➤ What must be done to those who curse you?

Q ➤ What shall you do to those who treat reward?

Q ➤ how does the mouth speak?

Q ➤ Whom shall be like the one who builds his house on a rock?

Q ➤ Whom shall be like the one who does not hear and practice the word of god?

Q ➤ Who informed Jesus about the disease of centurion's servant?

Q ➤ Who said it: "for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Say the word, my servant will be healed"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "I have not found such a great faith even in Israel"?

Q ➤ Where did Jesus go from Capernaum?

Q ➤ What was the miracle which Jesus performed at Nain?

Q ➤ In the words of Jesus, who is greater among those born of woman?

Q ➤ Who rejected God's purpose for themselves?

Q ➤ Who was invited for a dinner by one of the Pharisees?

Q ➤ What did they acknowledge when they took the baptism of repentance?

Q ➤ Who planned Baptism?

Q ➤ Who came as the one who neither ate bread nor drank wine?

Q ➤ Name the Pharisee who invited Jesus for dinner?

Q ➤ What was the perfume that the sinful women used to anoint Jesus Christ?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Her many sins have been forgiven"?

Q ➤ How many demons were possessed by Mary Magdalene?

Q ➤ Who was the manager of Herod's household?

Q ➤ Who was the wife of chuza?

Q ➤ What happened to the seed which fell down on the way side?

Q ➤ What happened to the seed which fell down on rocky places?

Q ➤ Which seed was chocked with plant when it grew up?

Q ➤ What happened to the seed which fell down on good field?

Q ➤ Who received the gift to know the mysteries of kingdom of heaven?

Q ➤ Seed denotes what?

Q ➤ Who are the people at the way side?

Q ➤ What is the reason for people do not practice what they heard?

Q ➤ Whom are like the seed which fell down on the rocky places?

Q ➤ Seed that fell down on the good field denotes whom?

Q ➤ Where do we put the lamp?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "let's go over to the other side of the lake"?

Q ➤ Who rebuked the wind and the raging waters?

Q ➤ What was the name told as to Jesus by the one who possessed by many demons?

Q ➤ Which nation did the demon possessed belong to?

Q ➤ Who was Jairus?

Q ➤ How old was Jairus's daughter?

Q ➤ How many children Jairus had?

Q ➤ Who was healed by touching the edge of Jesus' cloth?

Q ➤ How many years did she suffer because of bleeding?

Q ➤ Who said it: "some one touched me; I know that the power has gone out of me"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "your daughter is dead, don't bother the teacher anymore"?

Q ➤ Whom did Jesus say 'My child get up'?

Q ➤ Who were those people that went inside the room with Jesus?

Q ➤ Who beheaded John the Baptist?

Q ➤ Where did Jesus go with His disciples?

Q ➤ Whom did Jesus say "you give them something to eat"?

Q ➤ How many people sat in a row when Jesus did the miracle with five bread and two fishes?

Q ➤ How many baskets remained as full after feeding with five loaves and two fishes?

Q ➤ What was people's opinion about Jesus?

Q ➤ Name the disciple who said, Jesus the Christ of God?

Q ➤ Who said Jesus about his nearing death in Jerusalem when he got transfigured on the mount olive?

Q ➤ Who said it: "Master it is good for us to be here"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and put up with you"?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "For whoever is not against you are for you"?

Q ➤ Who had no place to lay his head?

Q ➤ Who said it: "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God"?

Q ➤ Who were the disciples who wanted to destroy Samaritans by calling fire down from heaven?

Q ➤ Who said it: "let the dead bury their own dead"?

Q ➤ When Jesus sent those 70, how many members were included in one group?

Q ➤ Who said it: "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few"?

Q ➤ How did Jesus sent his disciples among the wolves?

Q ➤ Who said it: "for the worker deserve his wages"?

Q ➤ Which nations were referred by Jesus by using 'woe' sound?

Q ➤ About which place Jesus referred, it will go down unto hell?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven?

Q ➤ Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but on what can one disciple rejoice?

Q ➤ Who knows the Son ?

Q ➤ Who said it: "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see"?

Q ➤ Who asked to Jesus that" What must I do to inherit eternal life"?

Q ➤ How should be your love towards your neighbor?

Q ➤ Where did one man go from Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Who stripped the clothes and beat the traveler from Jerusalem to Jericho?

Q ➤ Who went without noticing the half-dead person?

Q ➤ Who came on that road just after the priest?

Q ➤ Who saved the half-dead person?

Q ➤ Where did the Samaritan bring the half-dead person?

Q ➤ How many silver coins were given to the inn keeper by the Samaritan?

Q ➤ Who was the sister of Martha?

Q ➤ Who was troubled a lot because of preparations?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "But only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better"?

Q ➤ Who was worried and upset about Many things?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples"?

Q ➤ Who taught his disciples to pray as "Father hallowed be your name'?

Q ➤ What is the answer for the one who seek?

Q ➤ What did the evil parents knew to give to their children?

Q ➤ Who is the prince of demons?

Q ➤ When one's possessions are safe?

Q ➤ Who said this statement: "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you"

Q ➤ Who said this: "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it'

Q ➤ Who is the sign for this generation?

Q ➤ Who will rise at the judgment with the man of this generation and condemn them?

Q ➤ Who came from the ends of the earth and to listen to Solomon's wisdom?

Q ➤ The nation which repented wholly by hearing the message of Jonah?

Q ➤ Whose message brought repentance to the people of Nineveh?

Q ➤ What is the lamp of the body?

Q ➤ If your eyes are bad what will your condition?

Q ➤ Who said this" Be careful, that the light within you is not darkness?

Q ➤ about whom did Jesus say: They clean outside of the cup and dish, but inside of them are full of greed and wickedness?

Q ➤ Who pays a tenth of their mint, rue and all other kind, of garden herbs?

Q ➤ Who loves the most important seats in the synagogues and greeting in the market places?

Q ➤ Who load people down with burdens they can hardly cany?

Q ➤ Who was killed between alter and the sanctuary?

Q ➤ Yeast of pharisees denotes what?

Q ➤ Whom shall we fear?

Q ➤ What is not forgotten by God?

Q ➤ What God did to the hair of people?

Q ➤ What is rewarded for the one who acknowledges Jesus before men?

Q ➤ Blasphemy against whom is not forgiven?

Q ➤ Who said it: "Take life easy, eat, drink and be merry"?

Q ➤ Where will be your heart?

Q ➤ What type of servants are blessed?

Q ➤ What must we do because the Son of Man comes at any hour?

Q ➤ To whom shall be demanded more?

Q ➤ Why did Jesus come to earth?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I have a baptism to undergo?

Q ➤ Who came on his earth to make division?

Q ➤ How many people died when the tower of Siloam fell on them?

Q ➤ What will happen when cloud rises in the west?

Q ➤ What will happen when the south wind blows?

Q ➤ Who mixed the blood of some Galileans with sacrifice?

Q ➤ Who said it: "unless you repent, you too will perish?

Q ➤ How many years the gardener seeks fruit?

Q ➤ Who said to the crippled woman, you are set free from your infirmity"?

Q ➤ On what day Jesus healed the crippled woman?

Q ➤ Who was bounded by Satan for 18 years?

Q ➤ Which tree was being taller, as the birds can sit in its many branches?

Q ➤ Which is similar to leavened yeast?

Q ➤ What shall we do to enter through the narrow gate?

Q ➤ Who said it: "Indeed there are those who are last who will be first and first who will be last"?

Q ➤ Whom did Jesus address as fox?

Q ➤ When did Jesus heal the man who was suffering from dropsy?

Q ➤ According to Jesus, Where you must not sit when one invites you on a wedding feast? T

Q ➤ What will happen to the one who exalts himself?

Q ➤ What will happen to the one who humble himself?

Q ➤ What we need to give up to following Jesus?

Q ➤ If the salt is flavourless what will be done with it?

Q ➤ Where is it mentioned about the parable of lost sheep In the book of Luke?

Q ➤ In which chapter of Luke Jesus describes the parable of lost things?

Q ➤ When heaven rejoices?

Q ➤ When do the angels of the Lord rejoice?

Q ➤ Where do we find the parable of lost coin?

Q ➤ In Jesus' parable, how many sons the man had?

Q ➤ Who went to a distant country after collecting all his property?

Q ➤ Who feed pigs of a rich man?

Q ➤ Who recognized his lost son?

Q ➤ Who said it "Father I have sinned against heaven and against you"?

Q ➤ Who are shrewder in dealing with their own kind than other the people of the light?

Q ➤ What is the peculiarity of the one who can be trusted with very little?

Q ➤ What faith if less with little thing?

Q ➤ Name the two masters, whom you cannot serve at one time?

Q ➤ Whose time was the end period of prophets and the law?

Q ➤ How did the rich man live?

Q ➤ Who lived at the gate of the rich man?

Q ➤ Which animal licked the sores of Lazarus?

Q ➤ Where did Lazarus reach after his death?

Q ➤ Where did rich man reach after his death?

Q ➤ Whom did the rich man see when he looked from the hell?

Q ➤ How many brothers the rich man had?

Q ➤ What shall you do if your brother sins?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Increase our faith"?

Q ➤ What kind of faith you need?

Q ➤ Name the place where Jesus healed ten leprous?

Q ➤ Who were healed while they went?

Q ➤ How many of the lepers who got healed returned to Jesus to say thanks to him?

Q ➤ In whose days the things will happen as it was in the days of Noah?

Q ➤ Which city was destroyed by fire and sulfur rained down from heaven?

Q ➤ When was Sodom destroyed?

Q ➤ Whose wifes name is to be remembered?

Q ➤ What will gather where the dead bodies lie?

Q ➤ Who neither feared God nor cared about men?

Q ➤ Who lived in the city where the judge lived?

Q ➤ Who said to the disciples that they should always pray and should not give up?

Q ➤ Who were those two people who went to pray into the temple?

Q ➤ Who exalted himself in prayer?

Q ➤ Who humbled himself in prayer?

Q ➤ What must one do to inherit eternal life?

Q ➤ Which kind of people's entrance into the kingdom God is difficult?

Q ➤ Where did the blind sit?

Q ➤ Who begged to Jesus that: "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me"?

Q ➤ Who asked this question: "What do you want me to do for you"?

Q ➤ Who was Zacchaeus?

Q ➤ Who was very short?

Q ➤ Who climbed a sycamore fig tree to see Jesus?

Q ➤ Who stayed with Zacchaeus at his home?

Q ➤ Who came to seek and to save what was lost?

Q ➤ What's rewarded to the one who earned ten times more what was given?

Q ➤ What did the one do who received one mina?

Q ➤ Whom did he give the one mina which was kept by unfaithful servant?

Q ➤ What was the specialty of the colt which carried Jesus?

Q ➤ Who came over the colt?

Q ➤ Who praised like this, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "If they keep quiet the stones will cry out"?

Q ➤ What is the distance between Jerusalem to Sukhar?

Q ➤ What is the distance between Jerusalem to Caesarea?

Q ➤ For which city Jesus wept?

Q ➤ About which city Jesus said: "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring your peace"?

Q ➤ Jesus made the statement about what: "They will not "leave one stone on another"?

Q ➤ My house will be a house of what?

Q ➤ People made the house of prayer as what?

Q ➤ Who were trying to kill Jesus?

Q ➤ Who believes there is no resurrection?

Q ➤ Who said: He is not the God of the dead, but of the living?

Q ➤ What did scribes call Jesus?

Q ➤ Who were putting their gifts into the temple treasury?

Q ➤ How many coins did the widow put?

Q ➤ Who put gifts into the temple treasury out of her poverty?

Q ➤ Which building was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God?

Q ➤ Who said this: "Not a hair of your head will perish?

Q ➤ If you stand firm what will you gain?

Q ➤ What must one understand when seeing the armies surrounding Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Who comes with great power and glory in clouds?

Q ➤ What is not passing away though heaven and earth pass away?

Q ➤ Where did Jesus spend in the nights?

Q ➤ Passover is also known as?

Q ➤ Who was influenced by Satan among the disciples?

Q ➤ What the chief priests agreed to give Judas?

Q ➤ Where did the disciples celebrate the passover?

Q ➤ Who said it whom: "Do this in remembrance of Me"?

Q ➤ Who stood with Jesus in his trails?

Q ➤ Who will Judge twelve tribes of Israel?

Q ➤ Whom did Satan asked to sift as wheat?

Q ➤ Who denied Jesus three times?

Q ➤ Who was counted among the transgressors?

Q ➤ What is the thing needed to do to avoid temptation?

Q ➤ Who prayed like this: "Yet not my will, but yours be done"?

Q ➤ Whose sweat fell into the ground like drops of blood?

Q ➤ Who went on mount olive for prayer just after pass-over?

Q ➤ Who betrayed Jesus by kissing?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss"?

Q ➤ Whose ear was healed by Jesus?

Q ➤ Which disciple sits among those who sit before the fire in the middle of the court yard?

Q ➤ What was the miracle that Jesus performed when people surrounded to catch Jesus?

Q ➤ Whom about it is said that, He will sit at the right hand of the mighty God"?

Q ➤ King of the Jews ?

Q ➤ Who asked to Jesus: "Are you the king of the Jews"?

Q ➤ Who said it: "I find no basis for a charge against this man"?

Q ➤ Who asked," was he a Galilean"?

Q ➤ Who was greatly pleased because he saw Jesus?

Q ➤ Who wanted to see Jesus for a long time?

Q ➤ Who wanted to see some miracles of Jesus?

Q ➤ Who ridiculed and mocked Jesus?

Q ➤ Who became friends, though they were enemies earlier?

Q ➤ Who did not find any basis for the charges against Jesus?

Q ➤ Who was imprisoned because of an insurrection in the city, and for murder?

Q ➤ Who carried the cross of Jesus?

Q ➤ The nationality of Simon?

Q ➤ To whom did Jesus said don't cry for me?

Q ➤ Where was Jesus' crucifixion?

Q ➤ Who were crucified on the left and right sides of Jesus?

Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Don't you fear God; since you are under the same sentence'?

Q ➤ How many words of Jesus on the cross is famous?

Q ➤ What was the first sentence Jesus made on the cross?

Q ➤ When did darkness come over the earth?

Q ➤ Who-gave wine vinegar to Jesus?

Q ➤ How many hours Jesus lied on the cross?

Q ➤ What was the written notice above Jesus' cross?

Q ➤ Who said it: "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom"?

Q ➤ Who said this statement: "Surely this was a righteous man" ?

Q ➤ What was the reputation given to Jesus by the centurion?

Q ➤ Who was waiting for the kingdom of God?

Q ➤ Who was Joseph of Arimathaeus?

Q ➤ Who had not consented to the decisions and actions of high priests and elders?

Q ➤ Whose dead body was put into a tomb cut in the rock and in which no one had yet been laid?

Q ➤ Who asked for the body of Jesus to Pilate?

Q ➤ Where did the two men in clothes that gleamed like lighting stand?

Q ➤ Who were those women who came at the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week?

Q ➤ Name the disciples who reached at first at the tomb of Jesus after his resurrection?

Q ➤ What was the distance from Jerusalem to Emmaus?

Q ➤ Who appeared to the disciples at Emmaus?

Q ➤ Who hoped that Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel?

Q ➤ Who opened the scriptures to prove the word of God?

Q ➤ Who asked this: "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your mind?

Q ➤ What are the books that talk about Jesus?

Q ➤ Repentance and remission of sins are given in whose name?