Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Exodus

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Exodus
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Exodus

Q ➤ How did the Egyptians behave to the children of Israel after the death of Joseph?

Q ➤ Why were they opposed with forced labour? Because of the great increase in their

Q ➤ Who were afflicted because of hard labour?

Q ➤ Why should this have made the Egyptians afraid?

Q ➤ Who were appointed to supervise the labour of Israelites?

Q ➤ What were the two treasures built by people of Israel for Pharaoh?

Q ➤ Who were multiplied when their afflictions increased?

Q ➤ Did the children of Israel greatly increase and multiply?

Q ➤ What was the feeling of Israelites about their lives during their affliction?

Q ➤ How were the children of Israel employed by the Egyptians? In making bricks and

Q ➤ Name the two midwives, who were appointed by Pharaoh to kill Israelites sons?

Q ➤ Name the two women who overcome the command of the king with their intellect?

Q ➤ Her name is a women's name in Egypt, but it is a man's name in Israel, which is that name?

Q ➤ Name the two midwives referred in the Bible?

Q ➤ Who worked in the health department of Egypt?

Q ➤ What cruel device did Pharaoh resolve to destroy the male children of Israel?

Q ➤ Who was this Pharaoh? He was thought by some to be Amenophis; by others,

Q ➤ Who were vigorous than the Egyptian women?

Q ➤ What was Pharaoh's command to the midwives?

Q ➤ What was the quality of midwives?

Q ➤ How did God bless the midwives?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Moses?

Q ➤ Who was the mother of Moses?

Q ➤ Who was Moses?

Q ➤ Who was a fine child from his birth?

Q ➤ Name the Hebrew boy who got his name from an Egyptian?

Q ➤ When the princess sought a nurse for the child whom did Miriam fetch?

Q ➤ Who received wages for nursing her own child?

Q ➤ How many months was Moses was hidden?

Q ➤ Name the sister who stood at a distance to see, what would happen to her brother?

Q ➤ Who named 'Moses'?

Q ➤ What blessing did this ensure to Moses?

Q ➤ With whom did Moses Join himself, was it with the Egyptians or the Hebrew?

Q ➤ Name the Hebrew boy who grew up as the son of the Pharaoh's daughter?

Q ➤ Where did Moses dwell after he had fled from Egypt?

Q ➤ What was Moses obliged to do?

Q ➤ Whom did Moses kill when saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew?

Q ➤ Who was the prophet who fled from the action to escape from a criminal case?

Q ➤ Who leaned lesson from a flame of fire?

Q ➤ Who were the two people who received, received a command from God to remove their shoes?

Q ➤ How many daughters did the priest of Midian have?

Q ➤ What then occurs to Moses? Reuel entertained him, and gave him his daughter

Q ➤ What was the name of the priest of Midian?

Q ➤ What was the name of Moses' wife?

Q ➤ Who said 'I am a stranger in a strange land?

Q ➤ Who is the father-in-law of Moses?

Q ➤ Who was the first born of Moses?

Q ➤ Which mountain was often known as the mountain of God?

Q ➤ How long did he stay there?

Q ➤ What was his employment in Midian?

Q ➤ Where did Moses feed the flock?

Q ➤ How many sons did Moses have?

Q ➤ Name the Biblical character who was a shepherd for a long time?

Q ➤ To whom did the angel of the Lord appear in a flame of fire in midst of a bush?

Q ➤ What was the wondrous sight that attracted the attention of Moses?

Q ➤ Who called out to him from the midst of the bush?

Q ➤ What was Moses told to do?

Q ➤ When Moses saw this strange sight, what did he do?

Q ➤ What was not consumed, even though it was burning?

Q ➤ What command did the lord give to Moses?

Q ➤ Was Moses willing undertake it?

Q ➤ As Moses said, on which mountain did the Israelites had to go for worship?

Q ➤ Which land was flowing with milk and honey?

Q ➤ How many days the Israelites had to Journey to make their sacrifice in the desert?

Q ➤ Who hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God?

Q ➤ In which land did women also rob?

Q ➤ The rod of Moses became what, when it was cast on the ground?

Q ➤ Who asked the name of God to him?

Q ➤ What was the first miracle in which one organism became an inorganic thing?

Q ➤ What was the first miracle in which one inorganic thing became an organism?

Q ➤ What happened to Moses' hand when he put it into his bosom?

Q ➤ How many signs were given by God to Moses for making the Israelites to believe as he was the chosen one by God?

Q ➤ Who was of a slow speech and of a slow tongue?

Q ➤ How did the Lord answer this objection?

Q ➤ Did the Lord release him from the commission?

Q ➤ What was passed between Moses and Jethro on the subject?

Q ➤ What Solemn rite had Moses neglected to perform on his son in the land of Midian?

Q ➤ Who was the spokes person of Moses?

Q ➤ Who took the rod to perform signs?

Q ➤ Whom did Yahweh make as the Lord of Aaron?

Q ➤ Name the first woman in the Bible who traveled over an ass?

Q ➤ Who were the well known priests before Aaron?

Q ➤ Whom did the Lord sought to kill in the inn?

Q ➤ Did not the son of Moses narrowly escape?

Q ➤ Name the woman who circumcised her son with a sharp stone?

Q ➤ Who said 'surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me'?

Q ➤ Who met Moses on the mount of God and kissed him?

Q ➤ Who was the king of Egypt then?

Q ➤ Who said' I do not know the Lord'?

Q ➤ How did the Pharaoh receive Moses and Aaron when they went in to him?

Q ➤ What was the sult?

Q ➤ What did the Israelites collect instead of straw?

Q ➤ What complaint did the officers of the children of Israel make to Pharaoh?

Q ➤ What did the Pharaoh refuse do?

Q ➤ Whom did the children of Israel blame for this?

Q ➤ What did Moses do?

Q ➤ How did the Israelites receive this message?

Q ➤ When Moses recited this to the Lord what did the Lord say?

Q ➤ What message were they to bring? T

Q ➤ Who were the parents of Moses?

Q ➤ How many years did Amram live?

Q ➤ Name of Aaron's wife?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Aaron?

Q ➤ God made one man as God over the king; who is this man?

Q ➤ Whom did God make as God over Pharaoh?

Q ➤ Who was Prophet of Moses?

Q ➤ What was the age of Moses and Aaron during the time when they talked to Pharaoh?

Q ➤ What did the Lord bid them do?

Q ➤ What miracle did they perform?

Q ➤ Could the magicians of Egypt perform the same miracle?

Q ➤ What effect did this miracle have upon Pharaoh?

Q ➤ Elder brother was a prophet; Younger one was God, who were these brothers?

Q ➤ What was Moses then directed to do?

Q ➤ What was the first plague?

Q ➤ How long did the plague continue?

Q ➤ An ancient country famous for magic, which?

Q ➤ This organism which walks on human head?

Q ➤ Water turned into blood when Moses struk the water of ?

Q ➤ What was the second plague?

Q ➤ What was the third plague ?

Q ➤ What happened to the rivers when Moses stretched forth his hand for the second time?

Q ➤ As what did the dust of the land turn into ?

Q ➤ What did the magicians tell to the king?

Q ➤ Name the non- Israelite priest who made a sacrifice to the Lord?

Q ➤ What was the fourth plague?

Q ➤ One king who told a prophet to pray for him; who was the prophet and king?

Q ➤ What was the fifth plague?

Q ➤ When Moses tossed the ashes in the air; what happened to the people in Egypt?

Q ➤ What was the sixth plague?

Q ➤ Which disease affected the magicians very severely as they were not able tostand before Moses?

Q ➤ What affected Egypt in a very worst way that the people never experienced after the establishment of Egypt?

Q ➤ What was the seventh plague?

Q ➤ Flax and barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled; where did it happen?

Q ➤ What destroyed the remaining portion of agriculture which escaped from rain with grievous hail?

Q ➤ Who were driven out from Pharaoh's presence?

Q ➤ What was the eighth plague?

Q ➤ What was the ninth plague?

Q ➤ What affected Egypt for three days? T

Q ➤ What was the last plague?

Q ➤ Who became very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people?

Q ➤ Which day was considered as the independence day of Israel?

Q ➤ For how long did the Israelites have to eat bread without yeast?

Q ➤ What did God command the Israelites to do before he brought the last plague on the Egyptians?

Q ➤ Of whom was the lamb a type?

Q ➤ What was the thing the Israelites used to dip in the blood and strike the lintel and two sides of posts?

Q ➤ Which is the first month in the Israelite's calendar?

Q ➤ Which was the day prescribed to choose the lamb?

Q ➤ Up to which day the Israelites had to keep the lamb?

Q ➤ How many lambs the Israelites had to take for one family?

Q ➤ If one lamb was more than enough for one family then what would they do with the remaining portion?

Q ➤ What was he prescribed time for killing the lamb?

Q ➤ How were they to eat the flesh of the lamb?

Q ➤ What were they to eat with the flesh of the lamb?

Q ➤ What were they do with the remaining portion of the flesh?

Q ➤ What was the dress code of Israelites at the Passover feast?

Q ➤ Who borrowed Jewel from their neighbours?

Q ➤ Eating of the flesh of the lamb denotes what?

Q ➤ How many days they had to eat the unleavened bread?

Q ➤ What was prohibited in the house of Israelites for seven days?

Q ➤ What was the specialty of the houses that had blood upon the lintel, and on the two

Q ➤ How many houses in Israel was not touched by death?

Q ➤ "There was loud wailing in Egypt" What was the reason?

Q ➤ How many years did Israelites lived in the land of Egypt?

Q ➤ Name the person who was born as a Hebrew and grew up as an Egyptian?

Q ➤ Total number of Israelites departed from Egypt?

Q ➤ What did the Israelites had to eat in haste?

Q ➤ Who took the dough before it was leavened?

Q ➤ What did the Israelites borrow from the Egyptians?

Q ➤ How long did Israelites live in Egypt?

Q ➤ Which was the flesh, prohibited from eating out side the house?

Q ➤ How did they redeem the first ling of an ass?

Q ➤ On hearing its name we feel that it is soap, but it is a plant; what is this?

Q ➤ What they did not do to the bones of the lamb?

Q ➤ "No uncircumcised male may eat it". What?

Q ➤ What would be the sign upon the hand and a memorial between Israelites eyes?

Q ➤ Whose bones were taken from Egypt when Israelites returned?

Q ➤ Where did Israelites encamp after they travelled from Succoth?

Q ➤ What helped the Israelites in their Journey to Canan in the day and at night?

Q ➤ Where did Israelites camp after their Journey from Etham?

Q ➤ How many chariots were sent by Pharaoh to recapture Israelites?

Q ➤ At which place did the chariot of pharaoh overtake the Israelites?

Q ➤ What did Moses do when people feared?

Q ➤ What stood between the armies of Egypt and Israelites?

Q ➤ For whom did the sea water turn into a big wall?

Q ➤ Who went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground?

Q ➤ Who went through the midst of the sea without touching the waters?

Q ➤ At which place did the people die as a big group in water after the incident of Noah's time?

Q ➤ Where did the wheels of the chariots come off?

Q ➤ When did the dukes of Moab tremble?

Q ➤ Name the prophetess who took a tambourine in her hand when Israelites reached the other shore of Red sea?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites reached after journeying from Red sea?

Q ➤ For how many days did the Israelites could not find water in the wilderness of Shur?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites' find bitter water?

Q ➤ Who was this prophetess who danced?

Q ➤ Where do we find the first group of dancing people in the bible?

Q ➤ Who were the famous brother and sister who could sing?

Q ➤ He threw it into the water, and the water become sweet who threw? What?

Q ➤ Where did the Lord test the Israelites?

Q ➤ Brother is a prophet; sister a prophetess who are they?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites murmur against Moses at first after crossing Red sea?

Q ➤ Name the place where the Israelites received the law and statutes?

Q ➤ Name the land which had seventy palm tree and twelve wells?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites reach after their journey from Elim?

Q ➤ What did God command Moses when the Israelites murmured for bread?

Q ➤ Which birds flesh did the Israelites eat at Sin desert?

Q ➤ This food cannot be baught by paying money but once it was freely given to Israelites; what was this?

Q ➤ Who said your murmuring is not against us but against the Lord?

Q ➤ What covered the comb in the evening?

Q ➤ What did they see in the morning?

Q ➤ What did Israel see when the dew was gone up?

Q ➤ How did Moses restrict the collection of Manna?

Q ➤ What happened to manna when the sun becomes hot?

Q ➤ Which group of people ate their food from nothingness?

Q ➤ On the sixth day what would the people do?

Q ➤ What was the name given to the small round thing?

Q ➤ How did the manna taste?

Q ➤ What was the shape of manna?

Q ➤ How much manna did the Israelites keep kept in a pot for the younger generations?

Q ➤ How many years did the Israelites eat manna?

Q ➤ An omer is the tenth part of what?

Q ➤ What is ten times greater than omer?

Q ➤ What was the problem of the congregation at Rephidim?

Q ➤ Name the place where the Israelites tried to stone Moses?

Q ➤ Where did Moses strike the rock and came out?

Q ➤ Because of the quarelling of the children of Israel, what name came to that place?

Q ➤ Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?

Q ➤ Because of the quarelling of the people, one place came to be known in by two names; what were the names?

Q ➤ Who fought with the Amalekites?

Q ➤ Who held the hands of Moses, when his hands grew tired?

Q ➤ Who overcome the Amalekite army with the sword?

Q ➤ Who was the first known book writer?

Q ➤ Write the other word used for quarrel?

Q ➤ Where were Israelites when they tried to stone Moses?

Q ➤ Who came to fight against Israel at Rephidim?

Q ➤ Whom did Moses chose as leader to fight against Amalek?

Q ➤ Who stood on the top of the hill with the rod of God in his hand?

Q ➤ Who helped Moses to hold up his hand always?

Q ➤ Untill what time did Moses keep his hands lifted?

Q ➤ About which people God said 'I will utterly put out the remembrance of them from under heaven'?

Q ➤ Name of the altar built by Moses?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Moses?

Q ➤ Who was the Midianite priest who said' Now I know that the Lord is greater than all God's?

Q ➤ Who introduced the idea of division of authority?

Q ➤ Who gave counsel to Moses to appoint different heads of authority in Israel?

Q ➤ On whom did the Israelites bring hard causes?

Q ➤ On which day did the Israelites reached into the wilderness of Sinai?

Q ➤ When could a Hebrew servant be released?

Q ➤ How did Yahweh.bring the people of Israel from Egypt?

Q ➤ What would the Israelites be to the Lord?

Q ➤ Among the Israelites who were not affected by the diseases?

Q ➤ This mountain was all together on a smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire; which was this mountain?

Q ➤ Which mountain was covered with smoke?

Q ➤ Up to which generation would God punish the people of Isreal for the iniquity of others?

Q ➤ For how many days the Israelites had to sanctify themselves to see the glory of God?

Q ➤ What was the penality of the one who touches the mount air?

Q ➤ What was heard from the mount air on the 3rd day?

Q ➤ Why were boundaries set around the mountain?

Q ➤ I am the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt. So what you must not have in your life?

Q ➤ What should not be done in your God's name?

Q ➤ Which day was to be sanctified?

Q ➤ What you shall do to have long life in the land you live?

Q ➤ What was the 6th and 7th commandments?

Q ➤ What should you not do with others property?

Q ➤ What should you not do against your neighbour or friend?

Q ➤ What is the prohibited feeling against your friend?

Q ➤ Where did The lord give the 10 commandments to Moses?

Q ➤ What should you do not make?

Q ➤ The prescribed place for bumed offering and peace offering?

Q ➤ Whose name should one must not take in vain?

Q ➤ What type of stones was to be used to make the altar?

Q ➤ Do not go up by step into the altar of the Lord; why?

Q ➤ If a man would sell his daughter to be a maid servant, how shall be her going?

Q ➤ If one man marries another woman, what was he suppose doto the first one?

Q ➤ What was the punishment for smiting parents?

Q ➤ What was the punishment for cursing parents?

Q ➤ What was the punishment for hurting a pregnant woman so that her fruit depart from her?

Q ➤ What was the punishment of a bull gored which a man or woman to death?

Q ➤ How much amount was to be paid if the bull gored a male or female slave?

Q ➤ What would be the punishment for stealing an ox or a sheep?

Q ➤ What was the condition of the one who kills a thief while breaking in?

Q ➤ What was the punishment for the one who grazes his livestock in a field or vineyard of another?

Q ➤ Who was to make restitution for burning shocks of grain or standing grain or the whole field?

Q ➤ What was the restitution for, if a man borrows an animal from his neighbours and it is injured or dies while the owner is not present?

Q ➤ What were Israelites not allowed to do to the sojourners among them?

Q ➤ What were the Israelites not permitted to expect in return if they lend money to the poor?

Q ➤ If one had taken his neighbours cloak, what was to be done?

Q ➤ What were they not allowed to do to the ruler of their people?

Q ➤ What were they not allowed to do if they heard any false report?

Q ➤ What were they not allowed to do along with the unrighteous?

Q ➤ What were the wicked not allowed to do?

Q ➤ What were they supposed to do if they had seen that their enemies' ox or ass had gone astray?

Q ➤ Why Israelites were not permitted to receive gift?

Q ➤ What would blind the, wise and pervert the words of the righteous?

Q ➤ Why the Israelites were not permitted to sew into their fields in the seventh year?

Q ➤ What were the three feasts the Israelites had to celebrate in a year?

Q ➤ What would you get in return if they served the Lord?

Q ➤ Until what time should the fat of sacrifice not remain?

Q ➤ Women with what problems could not be among the Israelites, to serve the Lord?

Q ➤ How would God drive out the Canaanite, and Hittite?

Q ➤ What was the precaution to be taken before cooking a young goat?

Q ➤ Who ate and drank in the presence of the Lord?

Q ➤ Along with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, how many elders were permitted to come for worship at a distance?

Q ➤ What did Moses do at the feet of the mountain?

Q ➤ What did the people say while reading the book of the law?

Q ➤ How was the feet of God?

Q ➤ How did the Israelites feel was the glory of the Lord on the top of the mountain?

Q ➤ Where did came the clouds and fire come together?

Q ➤ Why God said about Hittite: "I will not drive them out in a single year?

Q ➤ For how many days did the cloud cover the mountain?

Q ➤ How many days did Moses stays on mountain with God?

Q ➤ Who lived with the Lord for forty days and forty nights above the mountain?

Q ➤ Who build twelve pillars according to the number of Israelites?

Q ➤ What were did he Israelites had to make for the Lord to dwell among them?

Q ➤ With which wood was the ark made from?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of the ark?

Q ➤ How many golden rings were put to the ark?

Q ➤ What was the material used over the ark?

Q ➤ What did they put on the four legs of the ark?

Q ➤ How were the poles made for inserting through the rings?

Q ➤ What was put inside the ark?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of the mercy seat?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of the table in the tabernacle?

Q ➤ What was used to cover the table?

Q ➤ What did they set upon the table?

Q ➤ What was the specialty of the work of the candlestick?

Q ➤ What Israelites had to keep always over the table?

Q ➤ What was the total weight of gold used for making candle stick in the tabernacle?

Q ➤ How many lamps were made in the lamp stand?

Q ➤ What were the other items made in connection with the lamp stand?

Q ➤ What was the time to light up the famp?

Q ➤ What kind of oil was used for lighting the lamp?

Q ➤ How many curtains were made for the tabernacle?

Q ➤ What kind of threads were used for the curtain?

Q ➤ What was the length of the curtain?

Q ➤ What type of hair was used for the curtain of the tent over the tabernacle?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of each board?

Q ➤ How many tenons were put for each board?

Q ➤ How many boards were there in the tabernacle?

Q ➤ How many bars were in the tabernacle?

Q ➤ How many boards were made for the south side of the tabernacle?

Q ➤ Tenons were covered of what?

Q ➤ How many tenons were used for twenty boards?

Q ➤ How many boards were used for the east side?

Q ➤ How many boards were made for the north side of the tabernacle?

Q ➤ How many boards were made for the corner of the tabemade?

Q ➤ What kind of wood was used for cross bars?

Q ➤ What joined the boards, in between?

Q ➤ How many cross bars were in the tabernacle?

Q ➤ Cross bars were inserted through what?

Q ➤ What separated the Holy place from the most Holy place?

Q ➤ One equipment in the tabernacle had equal length and breadth: what was that?

Q ➤ What kind of wood was used to make the altar?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of the altar?

Q ➤ What were the required equipments near the altar?

Q ➤ Which were the twains used to stitch the curtain inside the tabernacle?

Q ➤ Which was the metal that was used to cover the horn of the altar?

Q ➤ The grate of network around the altar was made of what?

Q ➤ What was instructed to be made upon the brass net?

Q ➤ What are the holy garments?

Q ➤ Whose names were to be engraved on the onyx stones?

Q ➤ What were the two things kept in the breast plate?

Q ➤ What are the woven around the robe of the high priest?

Q ➤ What was the word that was written on the gold plate?

Q ➤ What was to be offered at the altar regularly each day?

Q ➤ How much amount was to be paid by the people when taking the census of people aged 20 and above?

Q ➤ What is the equivalent of one shekel to Gera?

Q ➤ For what purpose was the atonement money of the Israelites used for?

Q ➤ Who was filled in the spirit of God with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts?

Q ➤ How many people were destroyed because of making the golden calf?

Q ➤ What was erected between the tent of meeting and the altar?

Q ➤ Who usually washed their feet at the bronze basin?

Q ➤ What were the ingredients of the sacred anointing oil?

Q ➤ What were the ingredients of the sacred incense?

Q ➤ Who ever makes any like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from his people what'?

Q ➤ Who used to make the bronze basin?

Q ➤ What was before the burning incense?

Q ➤ What was the measurement of burning incense?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Aaron?

Q ➤ On what type of stone was the names of Israelites engraved?

Q ➤ Where did Aaron held the onyx stones for the remembrance of Israelites?

Q ➤ Who was appointed to burn the incense?

Q ➤ Do not offer what?

Q ➤ Who was skilled in craft works?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Bezalel?

Q ➤ To which tribe did Bezalel belonged to?

Q ➤ Whoever does any work on that day must be cut off from his people which day?

Q ➤ Which was the tribe of Aholiab?

Q ➤ What was the name of Aholiab's father?

Q ➤ What was given to Moses as a written inscription of God?

Q ➤ Where did God write the Ten Commandments?

Q ➤ Who made oxen for the Israelites to worship?

Q ➤ God told the word I will make you a great nation to two persons; who were they?

Q ➤ Who said: "Now leave me alone that I may consume them"?

Q ➤ What did Moses break at the valley of Mount Sinai?

Q ➤ Who were gathered at the side of Moses when he shouted; who is on the lord's side, let him come unto me?

Q ➤ How many people died, because of the golden calf?

Q ➤ Who said to the Lord that blot me out of the book?

Q ➤ Where is the word of the Lord "who ever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book" recorded?

Q ➤ The first Israelites man who made a golden calf?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites not wear their ornaments?

Q ➤ What was the name of Moses' tent?

Q ➤ To whom did the Lord speak as a friend talked?

Q ➤ Who was the servant of Moses?

Q ➤ Name the father of Joshua?

Q ➤ To whom did the Lord say my presence will go with you?

Q ➤ Now show me your glory" who said this?

Q ➤ Where did Moses stand to see the glory of the Lord?

Q ➤ Which temple was transferred from one place to another?

Q ➤ Which month did the Israelites celebrate the Feast of unleavened Bread?

Q ➤ With the first fruit of the wheat harvest, which festival was to be celebrated?

Q ➤ How many times in a year were all the men of Israel to appear before the Lord?

Q ➤ Who requested to the Lord, show me your glory?

Q ➤ Whose skin of the face was shining?

Q ➤ Who wrote the commandments at the second time on the tablet?

Q ➤ How many commandments were written by Moses at the second time?

Q ➤ Name the man who put a veil on his face?

Q ➤ Who was to bring the offering?

Q ➤ Which part of the tabernacle is denoted by women?

Q ➤ On which day did the Israelites do not kindle fire at their homes?

Q ➤ Name the first person whose face was shining?

Q ➤ What was kept into the ark of testimony?

Q ➤ What is the meaning of Urim and Thummim?

Q ➤ From where did from Moses collect the materials for building the tabernacle?

Q ➤ How did Moses collected materials from people?

Q ➤ The pins of the tabernacle were made of what?

Q ➤ Total weight of pure gold used for tabernacle?

Q ➤ How much was the brass offering?

Q ➤ Which item of the holy garments was in the shape of a square?

Q ➤ What was engraved on the plate, the sacred diadem?

Q ➤ What was there over the tabernacle by day and night?

Q ➤ How many chapters are included in the book of Exodus?

Q ➤ Total verses?

Q ➤ How many verses are related to History?

Q ➤ Fulfilled prophecies?

Q ➤ Unfulfilled prophecies?

Q ➤ 1370. Total number of promises?

Q ➤ Total number of questions?

Q ➤ Total number of miracles?

Q ➤ Miracles of Moses?

Q ➤ Who is the author of the book Exodus?

Q ➤ During which period was this book written?

Q ➤ For whom was This book written?

Q ➤ Where was Moses when he wrote this book?

Q ➤ Key verses?

Q ➤ Key chapters?

Q ➤ Which is the Key word of exodus?

Q ➤ Who were the Historical personalities?