Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from 2 Corinthians
Q ➤ The 47th book in the Bible?
Q ➤ How many chapters are there in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many verses are there in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many New Testament prophecies are there in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many Old Testament prophecies are there in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many questions are there in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many fulfilled prophecies are found in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ How many un fulfilled prophecies are found in 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ When was this book written?
Q ➤ Who wrote this book?
Q ➤ Where did Paul write this book?
Q ➤ In which place of order this book comes in the New Testament?
Q ➤ Which is the key verse in this book?
Q ➤ Who were the authors of 2 Corinthians?
Q ➤ Who comforts us in all our troubles?
Q ➤ What over flows as the suffering of Christ overflows?
Q ➤ Who are sharing Paul's sufferings?
Q ➤ "We have conducted with you in holiness and sincerity" who said this and to whom?
Q ➤ Who preached among the Corinthians?
Q ➤ What was Paul's boast?
Q ➤ Who makes Paul and the Corinthian believers stand firm in Christ?
Q ➤ What has God given to our hearts?
Q ➤ Why did not Paul return to Corinth?
Q ➤ Who did work with the Corinthians for their joy?
Q ➤ Who experienced great distress and anguish?
Q ➤ Why did Paul write to the Corinthians?
Q ➤ Satan might not do what to us?
Q ➤ Where did Paul go to preach the Gospel?
Q ➤ Who was Paul's brother?
Q ➤ Who always leads us in trimphat procession in Christ?
Q ➤ Who to God the aromas of Christ?
Q ➤ Where do they are to God the aroma of Christ?
Q ➤ To who is the letter, known-and read by every body?
Q ➤ What is our competence?
Q ➤ Who made them competent as ministers of a new covenant?
Q ➤ Letter kills but what does spirit do?
Q ➤ What is special about the ministry of the spirit?
Q ➤ What remains till today when the Old covenant is read?
Q ➤ What happens to the veil in Christ?
Q ➤ Lord is what?
Q ➤ What is there where the spirit of the Lord is?
Q ➤ How is one being transformed?
Q ➤ To whom the Gospel is veiled?
Q ➤ Who did blind the eyes of the unbelievers?
Q ➤ Whose gift is this all surprising power?
Q ➤ What does the grace increase for?
Q ➤ What happens to Paul in warbly white wasting away outwardly?
Q ➤ What are momentary publes acheiving for Pau?
Q ➤ What is seen is temporary, what is unseen is?
Q ➤ Where do we have the eternal house?
Q ➤ What is the tent we now have?
Q ➤ What we are doing in this tent?
Q ➤ What we are longing to be clothed with?
Q ➤ What is swallowed up by life?
Q ➤ We live not by sight then what?
Q ➤ What do we do to be a new creation?
Q ➤ Who reconciled us to God?
Q ➤ To whom this message of reconciliation was committed to?
Q ➤ Who is the righteous of God?
Q ➤ Who are Christ's ambassadors?
Q ➤ With whom believers are not yoked together?
Q ➤ With whom light cannot have fellowship with?
Q ➤ To whom Christ has no harmony?
Q ➤ With whom believer has not any thing in common with?
Q ➤ Who said not to touch anything unclean?
Q ➤ How do we perfect holiness out of reverence for God?
Q ➤ "Conflict on the outside, fears with in" who said this?
Q ➤ By whose coming Paul was comforted?
Q ➤ Who were made sorry by paul's letter?
Q ➤ What is the result of godly sorrow?
Q ➤ Which is the church that showed overflowing joy in spite of most severe trials?
Q ➤ Who is said to have much enthusiasm?
Q ➤ How will the one reap who sows generously?
Q ➤ What is god's reaction to a cheerful giver?
Q ➤ Whom he has scattered abroad his gifts to?
Q ➤ The service they perform has another result than supplying the needs of god's people what is that?
Q ➤ What is it that Paul gave thanks to God for?
Q ➤ What weapons we fight are not?
Q ➤ What are the weapons then?
Q ➤ What are the characteristics of Paul's letters?
Q ➤ In whom one will boast?
Q ➤ Who is the approved one?
Q ➤ To whom did Paul promise Corinthians a pure virgin in marriage?
Q ➤ Who deceived Eve by cunning?
Q ➤ Who told about himself as a untrained speaker?
Q ➤ Who supplyed what Paul needed?
Q ➤ Whom were the deceitful workmen masquerading as?
Q ➤ Whom Satan himself masquerades as?
Q ➤ Who was the Apostles who had been in prison more frequently and been flogged more severly?
Q ➤ Whose face daily received forty lashes minus one?
Q ➤ How many times Paul was beaten with rod?
Q ➤ How many times Paul was shipwrecked?
Q ➤ Who guarded the city in order to arrest Paul?
Q ➤ Who was said to have been caught up to paradise?
Q ➤ Who was caught up to the third heaven?
Q ➤ Why was Paul given a thorn in the flesh?
Q ➤ Who was appointed to terment Paul?
Q ➤ "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness" To whom it is said?
Q ➤ Whose power is made perfect in weakness?
Q ➤ Who delights in suffering hardships for Christ's sake?
Q ➤ What are the things that mark apostles?
Q ➤ How many witnesses are needed to establish a matter?