In the parable of the ten virgins, what were they waiting for?
ⓐ A pig's snout (Pro 11:22)
ⓑ Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38)
ⓒ Bridegroom (Matt 25:1)
ⓓ Right time (Matt 7:5)
How does James say we should "treat the rich and the poor"?
ⓐ Barabbas
ⓑ Barnabas
ⓒ Basabbas
ⓓ Barnabbas
How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
ⓐ Ten (Exo 7:14-12:30)
ⓑ Seventeen (Jer 32:9)
ⓒ Eight (Exo 7:14-12:30)
ⓓ Twelve (Exo 7:14-12:30)
When Jesus asked "whom say ye that I am?" what was Peter's reply?
ⓐ Thou art the Lord
ⓑ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living Man
ⓒ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God
ⓓ Thou art the Christ, the Most powerful
What did King Solomon ask for when God appeared to him in a dream?
ⓐ Judgment, mercy, and faith (Matt 23:23)
ⓑ Knowledge (To fear the Lord) (1 Ki 13:42)
ⓒ Wisdom (to judge between good and evil) (1 Ki 3:9)
ⓓ A young goat and some unleavened bread (Jdg 6:19)
Who said , "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall not enter therein?
ⓐ Peter
ⓑ John
ⓒ Moses
ⓓ Jesus
How did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses, when he was a shepherd?
ⓐ He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering (1 Sam 20:6)
ⓑ From within a burning bush (Exo 3:2)
ⓒ Stalks of flax (Josh 2:6)
ⓓ In a candlestick (Luke 11:33)
Which of David's descendants will reign forever?
ⓐ Jesus
ⓑ Gentiles
ⓒ Levites
ⓓ Isrealites
On what mountain did Moses receive the law from God?
ⓐ Mount Cainaan (Deut 2:6)
ⓑ Mount Sinai (Lev 26:46)
ⓒ Mount Ephraim (Jdg 16:12)
ⓓ Mount Ararat (Gen 9:27)
Which of his wives did Jacob love the most?
ⓐ Rachel (Gen 29:30)
ⓑ Leah (Gen 29)
ⓒ Micah (Mic 7:6)
ⓓ Rebekah (Gen 24:14-19)