What is the name of Jesus' cousin, born six months before him?
ⓐ Jude
ⓑ James
ⓒ John
ⓓ Josiah
Who was the first child born?
ⓐ Cain (Gen 4:1)
ⓑ Adam (Gen 2:7)
ⓒ Augustus Caesar (Luke 2:1)
ⓓ Rebekah (Gen 24:67)
Which apostle, who was described as "full of grace and power, and doing great wonders and signs among the people ", was stoned to death?
ⓐ Levi
ⓑ Peter
ⓒ Stephen
ⓓ Simeone
Who deceived Jacob by giving Leah as a wife instead of Rachael?
ⓐ Laban
ⓑ Naaman
ⓒ Hamaan
ⓓ Lagan
What did Jesus send disciples to fetch on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
ⓐ A white horse (Matt 41:46)
ⓑ Ten male donkeys and ten female donkeys laden with goods from Egypt (Gen 45:23)
ⓒ Donkey and colt (Matt 21:1-2)
ⓓ Dragon (Matt 4:6)
In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the sheperd count safely into the fold?
ⓐ sixty-five
ⓑ Ninety-nine
ⓒ Seventy-seven
ⓓ Seventy-two
What does James say we should say when we make our future plans?
ⓐ If the Lord will, I will do this or that (Jam 4:15)
ⓑ Walk by faith not by sight (Jam 4:10)
ⓒ Make the sun and moon stand still (Jam 10:12-14)
ⓓ Trust the Lord with all your heart Make the sun and moon stand still (Jam 16:22-24)
What type of coin did Judas accept as payment for betraying Jesus?
ⓐ Diamond (Matt 26:15)
ⓑ Silver (Matt 26:15)
ⓒ Gold (Matt 26:15)
ⓓ Rubies (Matt 26:15)
What was the writer of the letter asking of Philemon?
ⓐ Rivers of water (Phm 1:17)
ⓑ Silversmith (Phm 1:17)
ⓒ To receive his slave back as a brother in Christ (Phm 1:17)
ⓓ To visit the fatherless and widows, and to keep yourself unspotted from the world (Phm 1:
10.)   What was the covenant between God and Noah?
ⓐ Double (portion) (Gen 9:11)
ⓑ Never to flood the earth again (Gen 9:11)
ⓒ Rebuilding the temple (Gen 9:11)
ⓓ To love God with all your heart, soul and mind (Gen 9:11)