Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from John
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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from John |
Q ➤ Which is the 43rd book in the bible?
Q ➤ Which is the position of the Gospel of John, If we look the numerical order of
Q ➤ How many chapters are included in the Gospel of John?
Q ➤ Total number of verses in the book of John?
Q ➤ Total number of fulfilled old testament prophecies?
Q ➤ Total number of fulfilled prophecies in this book as New Testament prophecies?
Q ➤ Total number of unfulfilled prophecies found in this book?
Q ➤ Who is the writer of the Gospel of St. John?
Q ➤ In which period this book has been written?
Q ➤ How did John portray Jesus?
Q ➤ What is the most important verse in this book?
Q ➤ What was God in the beginning?
Q ➤ With whom with was the word?
Q ➤ What was the word?
Q ➤ What was the light of man?
Q ➤ What was shone in the darkness?
Q ➤ Who was sent from God?
Q ➤ Who came as a witness to testify the light?
Q ➤ What is the true light which lightens every man?
Q ➤ His own did not receive him,about whom this statement was made?
Q ➤ Who gave authority to become sons of God?
Q ➤ What became flesh?
Q ➤ From whom do we receive one blessing after another?
Q ➤ Through whom the law was given?
Q ➤ What we receive through Jesus Christ?
Q ➤ Who has made known the father (God)?
Q ➤ Who said to the priests 'I am not the Christ'?
Q ➤ Who is the voice of the one calling in the desert?
Q ➤ Who baptized people with water?
Q ➤ Who said it I am not worthy to untie the thongs of his sandals'?
Q ➤ This sentence is referred to whom; "A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me"?
Q ➤ Who baptizes people with Holy Spirit?
Q ➤ Which disciple followed Jesus by hearing the words of John the Baptist 'Look the lamb of God'?
Q ➤ Who is the brother of Andrews?
Q ➤ What was the other names Simon had?
Q ➤ Name the father of Simon?
Q ➤ What is the meaning of Cephas?
Q ➤ What was the home land of Philip?
Q ➤ Who were the three disciples of Jesus from Bethsaida?
Q ➤ Who asked 'Can anything good come from Nazareth?
Q ➤ About whom did a Jesus make the statement; "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is false"?
Q ➤ Who asked it to whom; How do you know me"?
Q ➤ I saw you while you were under the fig-tree; whom did Jesus see?
Q ➤ Who sat under the fig-tree?
Q ➤ What did Nathanael call Jesus?
Q ➤ Where was Jesus and his disciples invited for wedding?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
Q ➤ What was lacking in the marriage feast?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Do whatever he tells you"?
Q ➤ How many stone jar of water Jesus turned into wine?
Q ➤ What was turned into good wine?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
Q ➤ What was the first miracle of Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said it: "How dare you tum my father's house into a market?
Q ➤ In the words of Jews, How many years did it take to complete the construction of Jerusalem temple?
Q ➤ Why Jesus did not entrust them?
Q ➤ Whom do not need the testimony from man?
Q ➤ What was the name of the Pharisee, a member of the Jewish ruling council?
Q ➤ What was meaning of 'Nicodemus'?
Q ➤ According to Jesus, What one should do to see the kingdom of God?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again"?
Q ➤ Who asked this: "How can a man be born when he is old "?
Q ➤ What we need to do to enter into the kingdom of God?
Q ➤ Who came from heaven?
Q ➤ Who was in the heaven?
Q ➤ Whom shall be lifted up as Mosses lifted up the snake in the desert?
Q ➤ Why did God send his Son into this world?
Q ➤ One who believes in the Son will not go through this phase; what is that?
Q ➤ What will he one who believe in the son receive t?
Q ➤ Who was baptizing at Aenon?
Q ➤ Where was plenty of water to baptize people?
Q ➤ Who said it: "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven"?
Q ➤ Who said it about whom: "He must become greater: I must become less" ?
Q ➤ Where from the one belongs to the arth?
Q ➤ Who is above all?
Q ➤ Who proclaims the words of God?
Q ➤ What does is God give without limit?
Q ➤ Everything is placed in whose hand?
Q ➤ What is received by the one who believes in the son?
Q ➤ What is the reward of the one who does not believe in the son?
Q ➤ Upon whom does the wrath of God remains?
Q ➤ Name the place at where Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman?
Q ➤ Where was the Jacob's well?
Q ➤ When did Jesus sit at the well because of thirst?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Will you give me a drink"?
Q ➤ Who gives the living water?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep?
Q ➤ Who gave the well at sychar to Samaritans?
Q ➤ Who said it: "Go call your husband and come back"?
Q ➤ How many husbands the Samaritan woman had?
Q ➤ From whom does the salvation come?
Q ➤ How shall be the worship of true worshippers?
Q ➤ Who are the people who worship the father in truth and spirit?
Q ➤ How did Jesus reveal himself to the Samaritan woman?
Q ➤ What are the terms used by the Samaritan woman to address Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I have food to eat that you know nothing about"?
Q ➤ What was the reason that many Samaritan at sycha believed in Jesus?
Q ➤ Who were the people who said this man really is the Saviour of the world?
Q ➤ Where was Jesus when he healed the son of a royal official?
Q ➤ Whom did Jesus say: "Unless you people see miraculous sings and wonders, you will never believe"?
Q ➤ When did the royal official's son receive healing?
Q ➤ What was the second miracle performed by Jesus at cana?
Q ➤ What was the name of the pond near sheep gate in Jerusalem?
Q ➤ What was the specialty of the Bethesda pond?
Q ➤ How many covered colonnades were surrounded by the pond?
Q ➤ How many years did that person lie near the Bethesda pond before getting healing from Jesus?
Q ➤ What was Jesus' command to the diseased one at Bethesda pond?
Q ➤ Why did Jews hesitate the action of taking his mat?
Q ➤ Who does whatever the father does?
Q ➤ Why did Father give all authority of judgment to Son?
Q ➤ Why was Jesus entrusted to make judgment?
Q ➤ Whose sound will the dead ones hear?
Q ➤ Whom did God give the gift to have life in himself?
Q ➤ Whose sound will be heard by those who are in graves?
Q ➤ Whom do not receive the testimony of man?
Q ➤ Who was the brother of Simon Peter?
Q ➤ Who said: "Surely, this is the prophet who is to come into the world"?
Q ➤ Who is sealed by the father God?
Q ➤ What is the work which please God?
Q ➤ Who is the bread of life?
Q ➤ Who said "I am the bread of life"?
Q ➤ Who are never driven away from God?
Q ➤ Who is the bread that came down from heaven?
Q ➤ Who said it: "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph ?
Q ➤ Who said it: "The one who feeds on me will live because of me"?
Q ➤ Who said it: "This is a hard teaching"?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "You do not want to leave too, do you"?
Q ➤ Who said it: "To whom shall we go"?
Q ➤ What gives life?
Q ➤ Who called Jesus as the holy one of God?
Q ➤ Whom intends this statement: "one of you is a devil"?
Q ➤ Who said to Jesus, you ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do?
Q ➤ Who else did not believe in Jesus except Jews?
Q ➤ Jesus said this to whom: "For me the right time has not yet come"?
Q ➤ Who went to the feast in secret?
Q ➤ Why did no one say anything about Jesus publicly?
Q ➤ Who asked 'How did this man get such learning without having studied'?
Q ➤ Who said this "My teaching is not my own it comes from him who sent me"?
Q ➤ Who said to Jesus, you are demon possessed?
Q ➤ In whose time circumcision started?
Q ➤ How to Judge?
Q ➤ Name the stream which flows from within the one, who believe in Jesus?
Q ➤ Who is to come to drink from Jesus?
Q ➤ According to the scriptures, where from Christ comes?
Q ➤ What was the condition of the people those who do not know law?
Q ➤ Who brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus bent down and started to write?
Q ➤ Who said to the people that 'if any one of you is without sin; let him be the first to throw a stone at her?
Q ➤ Why did from older to younger leave the place?
Q ➤ Who is the light of the world?
Q ➤ Who judges by human standards?
Q ➤ Who are the testifiers of Jesus?
Q ➤ How is the one who sent Jesus into the world?
Q ➤ Who said it to Whom: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"?
Q ➤ Whose servants are the sinners?
Q ➤ What to do to get real freedom?
Q ➤ Who said like this "The only father we have is God himself"?
Q ➤ Who said this: "You belong to your father, the devil"?
Q ➤ Who never holds truth?
Q ➤ Who is the liar and at the same time who is the father of lies?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Are not we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon possessed"?
Q ➤ One who observes the word of God never see; what?
Q ➤ Who asked to Jesus, "You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham"?
Q ➤ Why did Jesus hid himself?
Q ➤ Who were asked to Jesus: "Rabbi; who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind"?
Q ➤ Who said this: "As long as it is day, I must do the work of him who sent me"?
Q ➤ Who went siloam to wash his eyes?
Q ➤ Who said to the blind to go to siloam for washing his eyes?
Q ➤ What is the meaning of Siloam?
Q ➤ Who said this: "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes"?
Q ➤ In which day Jesus healed the one born blind?
Q ➤ Who said like this: "this man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath"?
Q ➤ What was the understanding between the Jews?
Q ➤ Who asked this question to the Jews: "Do you want to become his disciples too"?
Q ➤ Who said it: "He is of age; ask him"?
Q ➤ Whose prayer God do not hear?
Q ➤ Whose prayer God hears?
Q ➤ Who said to Jesus" You are not yet fifty years old"?
Q ➤ Who enters through the gate?
Q ➤ Sheep hears whose sound?
Q ➤ Whom does the sheep follows by hearing his sound?
Q ➤ Who is the gate of the sheep?
Q ➤ The thieves comes for what?
Q ➤ Who came to give abundant life?
Q ➤ Who is the good shepherded?
Q ➤ Who gives his life for the sheep?
Q ➤ Who cares nothing for the sheep?
Q ➤ Who runs away on seeing the wolves?
Q ➤ Who gives his life for the sheep?
Q ➤ Who said this: "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen"?
Q ➤ Who told this; "He is demon-possessed and raving mad"?
Q ➤ In whose colonnade Jesus was walking?
Q ➤ Who said this to whom: "But you do not believe because you are not my sheep"?
Q ➤ What was called to those who received revelations of God during the period of law?
Q ➤ Who is the sister of Martha?
Q ➤ Who was the brother of Mary and Martha?
Q ➤ Whch was the village of Mary and Martha?
Q ➤ Who were the sisters of Lazarus?
Q ➤ What is the meaning of Lazarus?
Q ➤ Who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair?
Q ➤ Who was the loved one of Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said like this: "Lord, the one you love sick"?
Q ➤ Which family was loved by Jesus in Bethany?
Q ➤ What was the surname of Thomas?
Q ➤ How many days Lazarus was put in the tomb?
Q ➤ What is the distance from Jerusalem to Bethany?
Q ➤ Who went to meet Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said this: If you had been here, my brother would not have died"?
Q ➤ Who is the resurrection and the life?
Q ➤ Who will live, even though he dies?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "The teacher is here, and is asking for you"?
Q ➤ What did Mary call Jesus?
Q ➤ Who believed Jesus as the Son of God and as who is the one to come in the world?
Q ➤ Why was Jesus troubled in his heart?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus weep?
Q ➤ Which is the shortest verse in the bible?
Q ➤ Who said this: "See How he loved him"?
Q ➤ Where was the dead body of Lazarus kept?
Q ➤ Who said this: "By this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days"?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of the God"?
Q ➤ Who called in a loud voice 'Lazarus, come out'?
Q ➤ Who came out from tomb as his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen?
Q ➤ Who was the high priest during the time of Lazarus deliverance from death?
Q ➤ Which high priest prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation?
Q ➤ Who arranged dinner for Jesus at Bethany?
Q ➤ Name the one who sit with Jesus at the table for dinner?
Q ➤ What was the ointment that Mary poured out at Jesus feet?
Q ➤ What was the weight of the ointment?
Q ➤ How much money that Judas valued for the ointment?
Q ➤ Who was the keeper of the money bag among the disciples?
Q ➤ Who said this: "You will always have poor among you"?
Q ➤ Who wanted to kill Jesus?
Q ➤ People went to meet whom with palm branches?
Q ➤ Who sat upon the donkey?
Q ➤ What was the birthplace of Philip?
Q ➤ Who asked Philip to see Jesus?
Q ➤ Who were informed the need of Greeks to Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said this: "The man who loves his life will lose it"?
Q ➤ Who will honour, the one who serve Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said this: "When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself"?
Q ➤ Who asked this question to whom; "Who is this, 'Son of man'?
Q ➤ Why did the leaders do not confess their faith before the people?
Q ➤ Who prompted Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus?
Q ➤ Who washed his disciples' feet?
Q ➤ Who asked this" Lord are you going to wash my feet"?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Unless I wash your feet, you have no part with me"?
Q ➤ Who went out as soon he had taken the bread?
Q ➤ What was the new commandment given by Jesus to the disciples?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Love one another, as I have loved you"?
Q ➤ Who said this: "I will lay down my life for you?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Do not let your hearts be troubled"?
Q ➤ As the words of Jesus, Where are many rooms?
Q ➤ Who said to Jesus that "Lord we don't know where you are going?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I am the way and the life and the truth"?
Q ➤ Who said: "Lord show us the Father"?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Any one who has seen me has seen the father"?
Q ➤ Who said it: "Any one who has faith in me will do what I have been doing"?
Q ➤ What was promised to be with the disciples forever?
Q ➤ Who will keep the commandments of the Lord?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you"?
Q ➤ Through whom one can go to God?
Q ➤ Who said it: "Because I live, you also will live?
Q ➤ Whose words are these: "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"?
Q ➤ Whose word are the words which was spoken by Jesus?
Q ➤ Who is the true vine?
Q ➤ Who is the gardener?
Q ➤ Who are the vine branches?
Q ➤ What will be done to the branch that does not bear fruit?
Q ➤ What will be done to the vine branch which bear more fruit?
Q ➤ What type of change will happen to one because of God's word?
Q ➤ What should one do to bear more fruit?
Q ➤ Who said that, 'apart from me you can do nothing?
Q ➤ Who will testify about Jesus?
Q ➤ Who convicts the world guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment?
Q ➤ Who will lead us in all truth?
Q ➤ Why Jesus is not alone?
Q ➤ Who has overcome the world?
Q ➤ What is the most important thing in the 17th chapter?
Q ➤ For whom Jesus pray to the father?
Q ➤ What God has given to those who are selected by Jesus?
Q ➤ Who are hated by the world?
Q ➤ What is the word of the father?
Q ➤ Whom did God give the glory which he has given to Jesus?
Q ➤ Whom did God appoint before laying the foundation of the world?
Q ➤ Whom the world did not know?
Q ➤ Who knows that Jesus is sent by the father?
Q ➤ Why the name of God was continued to be made known to the disciples?
Q ➤ Where Jesus went after the prayer?
Q ➤ Who betrayed Jesus Christ?
Q ➤ Who cut off the right ear of high priest's servant?
Q ➤ What was the name of high priests' servant?
Q ➤ Who said to whom: "Put your sword away?
Q ➤ To whom they brought Jesus at first?
Q ➤ Who advised the Jews that it would be good if one man died for the people?
Q ➤ Father in law of Caiaphas?
Q ➤ Who struck Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said to whom: "My kingdom is not of this world'
Q ➤ Who came into the world to testify the truth?
Q ➤ Everything on the side of truth listens whom?
Q ➤ Who said this: "I find no basis for a charge against him"?
Q ➤ People demanded whose release in the pass over?
Q ➤ Who was Barabbas?
Q ➤ What did the soldiers clothe Jesus?
Q ➤ What was Jesus wearing when he came out?
Q ➤ Who said, 'here is the man'?
Q ➤ Who shouted to crucify Jesus?
Q ➤ Who said: "Dont you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?
Q ➤ Who said this: "the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin?
Q ➤ What is the meaning of Gabbatha?
Q ➤ The word Golgotha has been taken from which language?
Q ➤ What is the Hebrew word for 'stone pavement' ?
Q ➤ Who said" We have no king but Caesar"?
Q ➤ Up to were Jesus carried the cross?
Q ➤ Who put the notice on Jesus' cross?
Q ➤ What was the notice saying?
Q ➤ The notice was put into how many languages?
Q ➤ What was the three language in which the notice over Jesus cross was written?
Q ➤ Who said what I have written I have written?
Q ➤ Jesus' dress divided into how many parts?
Q ➤ How did they give the vesture of Jesus?
Q ➤ Who was the wife of Cleopas?
Q ➤ Who sat nearby the cross?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Woman here is your son"?
Q ➤ To Whom Jesus gave his mother?
Q ➤ What did Jesus say for the fulfillment of the scripture?
Q ➤ What Jesus said just after drinking the vine mixed with vinegar?
Q ➤ Who got pierced His side with spear?
Q ➤ Where from blood and water flowed?
Q ➤ Who was a secret disciple of Jesus?
Q ➤ Who asked Jesus' body to Pilate?
Q ➤ Who was brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes?
Q ➤ Name the woman who reached at the tomb of Jesus at dawn?
Q ➤ Who was crying at the tomb of Jesus?
Q ➤ Who were standing at the head and at the foot of Jesus' body?
Q ➤ Who said: "They have taken my lord away, and I do not know where they have put him"?
Q ➤ Who asked "woman why are you crying"?
Q ➤ Who said: "Sir if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him"?
Q ➤ How did Mary address Jesus?
Q ➤ The word 'Rabboni' is from which language?
Q ➤ What is the meaning of Rabboni?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the father"?
Q ➤ What was the first word Jesus used to greet his disciples after his resurrection?
Q ➤ Who was not among the disciples when Jesus appeared to them first after his resurrection?
Q ➤ Whose name is Didymus?
Q ➤ On which day Jesus met Thomas after his resurrection?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Put your finger here, reach out your hand and put it into my side"?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "My Lord and my God"?
Q ➤ Who put his finger into the side of Jesus?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus appear the second time?
Q ➤ What was the country of Nathanael?
Q ➤ What was the old job of Peter?
Q ➤ Who asked to whom: " Friends, haven't you any fish"?
Q ➤ Who said to cast their net into the right side of the boat?
Q ➤ Who wrapped up his outer garment around him and jumped into the sea, when he realized Jesus is speaking to him?
Q ➤ Who realized first that it was Jesus?
Q ➤ How many big fishes were caught in the net?
Q ➤ What was the miracle Jesus performed after resurrection?
Q ➤ Where did Jesus appear on the third time?
Q ➤ Who asked it to whom: "Do you love me more than these"?
Q ➤ What was the question Jesus asked for three times to peter?
Q ➤ Who said it to whom: "Feed my sheep"?
Q ➤ On which verse Jesus hints about the death of peter?