Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Ruth

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Ruth
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Ruth

Q ➤ Total number of chapters in the book of Ruth?

Q ➤ Total verses?

Q ➤ Questions?

Q ➤ The book that included no prophecy?

Q ➤ Important verse?

Q ➤ Important places?

Q ➤ Period of writing?

Q ➤ To whom it was written?

Q ➤ Key verses?

Q ➤ Key word?

Q ➤ Important persons ?

Q ➤ What was the adversity in the days when judges ruled?

Q ➤ The land of Elimelech?

Q ➤ Wife of Elimelech?

Q ➤ How many years did Elimelech and his family live in Moab?

Q ➤ How many children did Elimelech had?

Q ➤ Names of Elimelech's sons?

Q ➤ Who were the daughters-in-law of Elimelech?

Q ➤ Who kissed her mother-in-law and departed?

Q ➤ The woman who clung to her mother-in-law?

Q ➤ The mother-in-law who kissed her daughters-in-law?

Q ➤ The daughters-in-law who wept when they kissed their mother-in-law?

Q ➤ Mother of Mahlon?

Q ➤ The whole town was stirred because of two women, which town? Who were the women?

Q ➤ What was the name adopted by Naomi when she came to Bethlehem?

Q ➤ At which time Naomi and Ruth came to Bethlehem?

Q ➤ Who was the relative of Elimelech?

Q ➤ As it turned out; to whose field Ruth went?

Q ➤ Who was the woman seen by Boaz in his field?

Q ➤ Who blessed his harvesters?

Q ➤ Who was the man who spoke to Ruth with favour?

Q ➤ Who gave Ruth some roasted grain?

Q ➤ How much barley Ruth gathered?

Q ➤ Who was the Moabite woman?

Q ➤ Who was the redeemer we find in the book of Ruth?

Q ➤ Who went down to the thrushing-floor after washing and performing?

Q ➤ Who was the man who was startled and turned by seeing a woman in the middle of the night?

Q ➤ How much barley was given to Ruth by Boaz?

Q ➤ Who told that do not go back to the mother-in-law with empty hands?

Q ➤ Who were women who built up the house of Israel?

Q ➤ Father of Jesse?

Q ➤ The second husband of Ruth?

Q ➤ Wife of Boaz?

Q ➤ Mother of Obed?

Q ➤ Father of David?