Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Psalms

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Psalms
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Psalms

Q ➤ How many books are there in Psalms?

Q ➤ Which is the 19th book in the Bible?

Q ➤ How many chapters are there in Psalms?

Q ➤ Total verses in Psalms?

Q ➤ Historical verses?

Q ➤ How many fulfilled prophesies are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many unfulfilled Prophecies are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many of God's works are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many Praises are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many divine Truths are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many word of God's specialties are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many promises are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many facts of Jesus are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many blessings are there in this book?

Q ➤ How many Psalms did David write?

Q ➤ How many Psalms did Asaph write?

Q ➤ What is the name of Psalms in Hebrew?

Q ➤ How many times close the word Selah appear in the book of Psalms?

Q ➤ Which Psalm did Moses write?

Q ➤ Where does the first book end in Psalms?

Q ➤ Where does the second book end in Psalms?

Q ➤ Where does the third book end in Psalms?

Q ➤ Where does the fourth book end in Psalms?

Q ➤ Where does the fifth book end in Psalms?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist, "In whose council we must not walk ?"

Q ➤ In whose council we must not stand?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist where should we not sit?

Q ➤ Who is delighted to meditate the law of the Lord day and night?

Q ➤ Whose leaf does not wither?

Q ➤ Who is like the chaff that the wind blows away?

Q ➤ Who knows the way of righteous?

Q ➤ Whose way will perish?

Q ➤ Where we can see, the one enthroned in heaven laughs.

Q ➤ How must we serve God?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist, whom must we serve with fear?

Q ➤ Who take refuge in Yahweh?

Q ➤ Which is the first Psalm written by David when he fled from his son Absalom?

Q ➤ Who said that I cry aloud to Yahweh?

Q ➤ Who told that Yahweh how many foes rise up against me?

Q ➤ To whom did David cry out loudly?

Q ➤ Which is the first Psalm with stringed instrument?

Q ➤ At what time Yahweh gave relief to David.

Q ➤ Whom has the Lord set apart for Himself?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm for flutes?

Q ➤ For whom did David wait in expectation in the moming?

Q ➤ Who does not take pleasure in evil or wicked?

Q ➤ What does Yahweh do to those who tell lies?

Q ➤ Who told that 'In reverence I will bow down towards your holy temple'?

Q ➤ Who will be blessed by God?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm to the tune of Sheminith?

Q ➤ Who told that 'Yahweh I am faint'?

Q ➤ Who flooded the bed with tears?

Q ➤ Who told that his eyes grew weak with sorrow?

Q ➤ Who heared David's sound of weeping?,

Q ➤ Which is the Shiggaion of David because of the words from Cush the Benjamite?

Q ➤ Who has robbed his foe without cause?

Q ➤ Who told that his shield is the God most high?

Q ➤ Who told that his God is a righteous God?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm according to Gittith?

Q ➤ Whose name is majestic in all the earth?

Q ➤ From whose lips Our God ordained praise?

Q ➤ Which is the first Psalm written at the time of Death of David's son?

Q ➤ Who told that with all his heart he would praise God?

Q ➤ Whose enemies would stumble and perish?

Q ➤ Whom did the Lord rebuke?

Q ➤ How will the Lord judge the world?

Q ➤ David told to praise the Lord who is enthroned in?

Q ➤ Where do we proclaim the works of God?

Q ➤ Who has fallen into the pit dug by them?

Q ➤ Who has snared by his own handwork?

Q ➤ Where will the wicked and the nations those who forget God will return?

Q ➤ Whose hope will not perish forever?

Q ➤ Who would pursue on the hotly pride of the wicked?

Q ➤ Who curses and spurns the Lord?

Q ➤ Who says with pride that he does not seek him?

Q ➤ who keeps as eye on the destitute in secret?

Q ➤ Whose mouth was to be filled with curses, deceit and oppression?

Q ➤ Who lurks in a hiding place as a lion in his lair?

Q ➤ Who says not forget the afflicted?

Q ➤ Who said that nobody will shake me anything?

Q ➤ Who reviles the Lord?

Q ➤ Whose mouth is filled with curses and deceit?

Q ➤ Who is like the lion that lies in the cover?

Q ➤ Who asked not to forget the helpless?

Q ➤ Against whom did the wicked bent their bows to shoot from the shadows?

Q ➤ On whom was the wicked ready to shoot their arrow?

Q ➤ If the foundations are destroyed what will be done by whom?

Q ➤ Who will be tested by God?

Q ➤ Who will see the face of God?

Q ➤ What resembles like silver refined in a furnace of the earth?

Q ➤ Who strut about on every side when vileness was exalted among the sons of man?

Q ➤ David asked God to enlighten his eyes to avoid what?

Q ➤ According to David who will not say, "I have overcome him"?

Q ➤ What did David do far the Lord for the good work of God?

Q ➤ Who says in heart that there is no God?

Q ➤ Who sang that all have tumed aside, together they have become corrupt?

Q ➤ Who would be happy when the Lord would restore the fortunes of his people?

Q ➤ Which is the psalms that the very first verse of it is a question and rest versesare its answers?

Q ➤ Where does the person dwell, who walks with integrity, whose works righteousness and speaks truth from heart?

Q ➤ Which is the first Miktam of David?

Q ➤ Who said to the Lord that you are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing?

Q ➤ Who is the glorious one for God?

Q ➤ Whose sorrows will increase?

Q ➤ Whose was the portion of the inheritance and cup of David?

Q ➤ Who said that he would not be shaken because the Lord is his righteousness?

Q ➤ Whose life God would not abandon to the grave?

Q ➤ What is there in God's presence?

Q ➤ Who was not praying with deceitful lips?

Q ➤ Who prayed "keep me as the apple of your eye"?

Q ➤ Which psalm did David sing when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul?

Q ➤ Who told the cords death encompassed him and the torrents of destruction- Overwhelmed him?

Q ➤ Who thundered from heaven?

Q ➤ Whom did the Lord take from above and drew him away from many waters?

Q ➤ What will be the Lord for the kind?

Q ➤ What will be the Lord for the blameless?

Q ➤ How the Lord will behave to the pure?

Q ➤ What will God do to the haughty?

Q ➤ What will God do to the darkness?

Q ➤ How is God's way?

Q ➤ How is the word of God?

Q ➤ According to David, who gives him strength and makes his way blameless?

Q ➤ What characteristic of God makes David Great?

Q ➤ Who told, "The Lord lives and blessed be my rock"?

Q ➤ What did David do for rescuing him from the violent men?

Q ➤ What do the heavens declare?

Q ➤ What makes the simple wise?

Q ➤ What will revive the soul?

Q ➤ How are the commandments of the Lord?

Q ➤ What does the radiant commandments of the Lord do?

Q ➤ What are more precious than gold, than much pure gold?

Q ➤ What gives light to the eyes?

Q ➤ What is sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb?

Q ➤ According to David what should be pleasing to God?

Q ➤ Whom does the Lord Save?

Q ➤ In what does some people trust?

Q ➤ Who rejoices in God's strength?

Q ➤ Who was crowned with Pure Gold?

Q ➤ Whose might is praised by us?

Q ➤ What is the tune of 22nd Psalm?

Q ➤ Who was enthroned on the praises of Israel?

Q ➤ Who told, "I am a worm and not a man"?

Q ➤ According to David, who encircled him?

Q ➤ How does the lions open their mouths wide against him?

Q ➤ According to David, how did the body dry up?

Q ➤ From whose hand did God deliver his life?

Q ➤ From whose horns is David asking the Lord to rescue him?

Q ➤ Whose descendants are to fear God?

Q ➤ Who told the Lord is my shepherd?

Q ➤ Which is the valley, which David did not fear of any evil?

Q ➤ Whose descendants must fear God?

Q ➤ What was used by the Lord to anoint David's head?

Q ➤ What followed him all the days of his life?

Q ➤ In whose house would David dwell forever?

Q ➤ Whose is the earth and everything in it?

Q ➤ What will happen to who are treacherous without excuse?

Q ➤ on whom does the Lord confide?

Q ➤ David is asking to redeem whom from all their troubles?

Q ➤ Who will lead a blameless life?

Q ➤ Whom did David praise in the great assembly?

Q ➤ Where did David praise the Lord?

Q ➤ What did David say about the Lord?

Q ➤ Who was the stronghold of David's Life?

Q ➤ Who wanted to see the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple?

Q ➤ Where would God keep him safe in the day of trouble?

Q ➤ Where did David offer the sacrifice with shouts of joy?

Q ➤ Which path did David ask to the Lord tolead him because of his oppressors?

Q ➤ According to David, in whom should we put strength and take courage?

Q ➤ What would the mighty one ascribe to God?

Q ➤ In which place does God breaks the cedars into pieces?

Q ➤ How does God make Labanon and Sirion skip?

Q ➤ What does the voice of the Lord shake?

Q ➤ How long will the favor of the Lord last?

Q ➤ What will give birth at the time of God's voice?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm for dedication of the temple?

Q ➤ Because of what did the Lord made David's mountain stand firm?

Q ➤ With what was David clothed after he removed the sackcloth?

Q ➤ Whom did David hate?

Q ➤ What grew weak with sorrow for David?

Q ➤ In whose hands were David's times?

Q ➤ Who lied silent in grave with shame?

Q ➤ According to David, who must love the Lord?

Q ➤ Whose transgressions are forgiven and sins are covered?

Q ➤ Who is the person whose sins are not counted against him by the lord and in whose spirit is no deceit?

Q ➤ Who has many woes?

Q ➤ Whom it is fit to praise the Lord?

Q ➤ Where does the Lord put the deep seas?

Q ➤ What should the people on earth do to God?

Q ➤ Who foils the plans of the nations?

Q ➤ Who is not saved by the size of his army?

Q ➤ Who will not escape by his great strength?

Q ➤ What is the vain hope for the deliverance?

Q ➤ On where are the eyes of the Lord?

Q ➤ Which Psalm did David sing when he pretended to be insane beforeAbimelech, who drove him away?

Q ➤ Who encamps around those who fear him and delivers them?

Q ➤ What should we keep away from evil?

Q ➤ What should we keep away from speaking lies?

Q ➤ What should we do when we turn from evil?

Q ➤ On whom are the eyes of the Lord?

Q ➤ The face of the Lord is against whom?

Q ➤ Whose crying does God hear?

Q ➤ Who will have many troubles?

Q ➤ Whom the evil will slay?

Q ➤ What will happen to the foes of righteous?

Q ➤ Who should take up shield and buckler for David?

Q ➤ Who were disgraced or put to shame?

Q ➤ Whose heart was filled with sinfulness?

Q ➤ Who is not having the fear of God?

Q ➤ Whose heart was filled with sinfulness?

Q ➤ Who plots evil in the bed?

Q ➤ Who commits himself to a sinful course?

Q ➤ Who is like the mighty mountains?

Q ➤ What does God have?

Q ➤ Who is able to rise after falling down?

Q ➤ With whom we must not fret?

Q ➤ How will those who do wrong wither?

Q ➤ What we need to do after we dwell in the land?

Q ➤ By whom we will get the desires of our heart?

Q ➤ How will God make the justice shine of the one who trust?

Q ➤ What should we forsake after refraining from anger?

Q ➤ Who will inherit the Lord?

Q ➤ What will the meek do?

Q ➤ Who will enjoy great peace?

Q ➤ Who plots against righteous?

Q ➤ Whom does the Lord laugh at?

Q ➤ The little wealth of righteous is better than whose wealth?

Q ➤ Whose days are known to the Lord?

Q ➤ Whose children are not begging for food that he has never seen?

Q ➤ What should we do after turning from the evil?

Q ➤ Whose heart has the law of God?

Q ➤ Who is flourishing like a green tree in its native soil?

Q ➤ Whom must we consider?

Q ➤ Who borrows and does not repay?

Q ➤ Who give generously?

Q ➤ Which is the first petition psalm?

Q ➤ Whose hand was heavy for David?

Q ➤ Who has groan in anguish of heart?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm for Jeduthun from David?

Q ➤ On what must we keep a watch from sining?

Q ➤ In whose presence we must put a muzzle on mouth.

Q ➤ According to psalmist, how long did you make my days?

Q ➤ When God rebukes and disciplines men for their sin what would you consume like a moth?

Q ➤ Which is the first petition in the psalms?

Q ➤ Who is waiting patiently for God?

Q ➤ From where did God lift up David?

Q ➤ Who is the blessed man?

Q ➤ Who told, "I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly"?

Q ➤ Who told, "Your love and your truth always protect me"?

Q ➤ Who told, "My heart fails within me"?

Q ➤ Who told, "Blessed is he who has regard for the weak"?

Q ➤ Who could restore David from his bed of illness?

Q ➤ Who will sustain on sick bed?

Q ➤ Who had lifted up the heel against David?

Q ➤ When was tears food for David?

Q ➤ According to the Psalmist from whom he has to be rescued?

Q ➤ Because of whose operation he had to mourn?

Q ➤ What was flourished by Lord, after crushing the nations?

Q ➤ In whose name we will tremble the enemies.

Q ➤ In front of whom did you make us retreat?

Q ➤ Who knows the secret in the heart?

Q ➤ Which is the wedding song sung by the sons of Korah?

Q ➤ What is stirred by a noble theme?

Q ➤ What does the Lord hate after loving righteousness?

Q ➤ Who are among the honored women?

Q ➤ What does that make glad from the places adorned with ivory?

Q ➤ What did the king desire?

Q ➤ Princes of which place are all glorious?

Q ➤ Who will be very present help in the trouble?

Q ➤ Who is our fortress?

Q ➤ Who brought desolations on the earth?

Q ➤ "Be still and know", who am I?

Q ➤ On whom did the God of Jacob reign?

Q ➤ Who is our fortress?

Q ➤ Who is the great king overall the earth?

Q ➤ What is beautiful in its loftiness and the joy of the whole earth?

Q ➤ Which ships was shattered by an east wind?

Q ➤ With what is the right hand of God filled with?

Q ➤ For what none can redeem the life of another to give to God a ransom for him?

Q ➤ For where are they destined like a sheep?

Q ➤ Like what does the man perish?

Q ➤ What will be the result of one who has riches without understanding?

Q ➤ On whom will the upright rule in the morning?

Q ➤ Which is the psalms written by David when the prophet Nathan came to meet him after he committed adultery with Bathsheba?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm known by the name Asaph?

Q ➤ From where does God shine?

Q ➤ Who will come and not remain silent?

Q ➤ For what does God summon the heavens above and the earth?

Q ➤ To whom God asked that "what right he has to tell God's laws or take God's covenant on his lips?"

Q ➤ What do the tongue of the wicked make?

Q ➤ Who sang the 50th psalm?

Q ➤ Who told, "I have sinned against you only"

Q ➤ From where does God want the truth?

Q ➤ With what is David asking to cleanse him?

Q ➤ Who is asking to create in him a pure heart?

Q ➤ What did David ask God to restore?

Q ➤ Whose lips should be opened?

Q ➤ Which heart is not despised by God?

Q ➤ Who will be snatched up and tored from the tent by God?

Q ➤ Which are the similar psalms?

Q ➤ How is the grace of God?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm that David sang when Doeg the edomite had gone to Saul and told him ?

Q ➤ "David has gone to the house of Ahimelech"?

Q ➤ Who told, "I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God"?

Q ➤ Who says that there is no God?

Q ➤ On whom does God look from the heaven?

Q ➤ From where will the salvation come to Israel?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm according to Skil tune?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm that when the Ziphites had gone to Saul and said, "Is not David hiding among us"

Q ➤ Who desired that if I had the wings of dove?

Q ➤ Which are the psalms of Thorah?

Q ➤ Who seeks the life of David? Ruthless men (54:3) I would flee far away and where would I stay?

Q ➤ When did David cry out in distress to God?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist,on whom must we cast our cares?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm written by David when the Philistines had seized him in Gath?

Q ➤ What is the title of psalm 56?

Q ➤ Who prayed that "list my tears in God's scroll"?

Q ➤ How was David because he trusted in God?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm to the tune "do not destroy"?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm written by David when he fled form Saul into the cave?

Q ➤ Who told, "I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings?

Q ➤ Who told, "I am in the midst of lions"

Q ➤ How large is the mercy of God?

Q ➤ How great is the faithfulness of God?

Q ➤ Who is astray from birth?

Q ➤ Who is like a cobra that has stopped its ears?

Q ➤ Who will be glad when they are avenged?

Q ➤ Who will have the reward?

Q ➤ Who judges the earth?

Q ➤ God became what for David in the times of trouble.

Q ➤ Which valley was measured off after parcelling out Shechem?

Q ➤ Against whom is the aid to be given?

Q ➤ Who will triumph down our enemies?

Q ➤ When will David call God from the ends of the earth?

Q ➤ For David God is the refuge and what else against the foe?

Q ➤ What will be fulfilled everyday?

Q ➤ Who is the rock and salvation?

Q ➤ What is God for us?

Q ➤ Do not set the heart on what if increased?

Q ➤ According to what each person will get the reward?

Q ➤ What is better than mercy?

Q ➤ When will I be satisfied with richest food in my soul?

Q ➤ What will happen to the mouth of the liars?

Q ➤ Who will rejoice in God and take refuge in him?

Q ➤ According to David, how God refined us?

Q ➤ With whom does he want to share what God had done for him?

Q ➤ With whom will God rule justly?

Q ➤ What will all the ends of the earth do?

Q ➤ In whose upraise the enemies will scatter?

Q ➤ Who will perish before God like wax melts before the fire?

Q ➤ Who will scatter when God arise?

Q ➤ Who will perish in the presence of God?

Q ➤ Who will rejoice before God with gladness?

Q ➤ Whom does the God sets in the families?

Q ➤ Before whom did God shake the Sinai?

Q ➤ Where would the snow fall when the Lord scattered the kings of the land?

Q ➤ What was the name of God's mountain?

Q ➤ Which mountain had the peaks?

Q ➤ How many chariots does our God have?

Q ➤ Who escapes us from death?

Q ➤ Who was to praise God in the great congregation?

Q ➤ Whose eyes were failing far of Jooking God?

Q ➤ Because of whom, those who hope in God should not to be disgraced?

Q ➤ Whom does people make sport of because of weeping, fasting and puting on sackcloth?

Q ➤ Who told, "I am the song of drunkards"

Q ➤ What will happen to the heart of those who seek God?

Q ➤ Whom God will save?

Q ➤ What God will rebuild?

Q ➤ What happens to those who seek God?

Q ➤ What is God for me, which I can always go to?

Q ➤ What will my mouth tell always?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm of Solomon?

Q ➤ Whom he must help in defend?

Q ➤ Till when will our God endure?

Q ➤ Which kings will bring the tribute to Him?

Q ➤ Which is the first psalm of Asaph?

Q ➤ For whom God will be good through out Israel?

Q ➤ What made the psalmist arrogant against the wicked?

Q ➤ For whom the pride is like a necklace?

Q ➤ Whose eyes stand out with fatness?

Q ➤ Who speaks loftily?

Q ➤ Who set their mouth against heaven?

Q ➤ What is the end of the wicked?

Q ➤ Who is from of old?

Q ➤ Who crushed the head of Leviathan?

Q ➤ Who has established the light and sun?

Q ➤ To whom the psalmist said,' boast no more'?

Q ➤ How must we not speak?

Q ➤ Whose horns will be lifted up?

Q ➤ Where is the name of our God known?

Q ➤ Who was cast into deep sleep because of the rebuke of God?

Q ➤ To whom the psalmist cried of loudly?

Q ➤ Who has turned back on the day of battle?

Q ➤ What did the Lord split in the desert?

Q ➤ From where did he bring the stream?

Q ➤ To whom God gave the grain from heaven?

Q ➤ Whose bread was eaten by man?

Q ➤ How did God lead Israel through the wilderness?

Q ➤ Who was brought out from tending the sheep?

Q ➤ Who has defiled the holy temple?

Q ➤ How many times should God pay back into the laps of the neighbors because they have hurled at Him?

Q ➤ According to psalmist shout aloud to whose God?

Q ➤ When does God rescue?

Q ➤ At which place did God test?

Q ➤ Who was not listening to God?

Q ➤ How did God feed the Isralites?

Q ➤ How did God satisfy the Isralites?

Q ➤ Where does God preside?

Q ➤ To whom must we do justice?

Q ➤ To whom must we maintain the rights?

Q ➤ Which was the nation that the eniemies planned to destroy completely?

Q ➤ According to psalmist, his soul yeamed and fainted for whose courts?

Q ➤ What praises to the living God?

Q ➤ Which bird has found a home for laying her young?

Q ➤ Which valley became the spring?

Q ➤ From whom the good is not withhold?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm of Korah according to gittith ?

Q ➤ Which psalm proclaims the loveliness of dwelling place?

Q ➤ Whose captivity is restored by God?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist what meets together?

Q ➤ What are the things that kiss each other?

Q ➤ What springs forth from the earth?

Q ➤ What looks down from heaven?

Q ➤ Who does great and marvelous deeds?

Q ➤ According to David from where did God delivere him?

Q ➤ Why did David ask God to give him a sign of goodness?

Q ➤ What will the dead not do if they rise up?

Q ➤ Which psalm is written responsively?

Q ➤ Which psalm includes the Muskil of Heman?

Q ➤ Which psalm includes the Muskil of Ethan, the Ezrahite?

Q ➤ Who told, "Mercy shall be built up forever?

Q ➤ Which psalm is the prayer of Moses?

Q ➤ Who has written the first psalm?

Q ➤ How many years is the life span of a man?

Q ➤ From where willGod rescue?

Q ➤ With what God will cover you?

Q ➤ What will not come near to your tent?

Q ➤ Where will plague not come?

Q ➤ Who told, "With long life I will satisfy him"?

Q ➤ Who will spring up like grass?

Q ➤ Who will flourish like a palm tree?

Q ➤ Who will still bear fruit in the old age?

Q ➤ Which is the psalm for the Sabbath day?

Q ➤ To whom does holiness befited his house for endless days?

Q ➤ Who is pouring out arrogant words with boasting?

Q ➤ Who is teaching the knowledge to the man?

Q ➤ What shall return into righteousness?

Q ➤ Who are the Gods of the nations?

Q ➤ What shall we say among the heathen?

Q ➤ Who is the most high over all the earth?

Q ➤ What should those who love God do?

Q ➤ Who behaved himself wisely in a perfect way?

Q ➤ Who would cut off the slanders of his neighbor?

Q ➤ To whom the blameless and one who walk in perfect way will minister?

Q ➤ Which bird lives in wilderness?

Q ➤ Which psalm is the prayer of an afflicted man?

Q ➤ Where do the Pelican live?

Q ➤ Which bird lives among ruins?

Q ➤ Whose benefits are not tobe forgotten?

Q ➤ Who will forgive your iniquities?

Q ➤ What will our God heal?

Q ➤ How will your youth be renewed?

Q ➤ What will God not keep forever?

Q ➤ How did God remove our transgressions?

Q ➤ How is our God considering us?

Q ➤ How will the days of men be?

Q ➤ What is our God clothed in?

Q ➤ What does he wrap like a garment?

Q ➤ Which bird has its home in the pine trees?

Q ➤ What is the refuge for conyes?

Q ➤ Rocks are the refuge for what?

Q ➤ Who seeks their meat from God?

Q ➤ What did he make to play in the vast and spacious sea?

Q ➤ What did he do to break the whole staff of bread?

Q ➤ From whose land did Jacob come and live?

Q ➤ What had come when he ordered?

Q ➤ Who was not there in the tribes of Israel?

Q ➤ What does he do to the thirsty?

Q ➤ Which valley will be measured off after parceling out Shechem?

Q ➤ Where do the psalmist mention about Melchizedek?

Q ➤ What did he make by his wonder works?

Q ➤ How is the name of Lord?

Q ➤ What is the beginning of wisdom?

Q ➤ Who will not be afraid of evil tidings?

Q ➤ For whom did the light shine in the darkness?

Q ➤ Who will be prosperous in his life?

Q ➤ Who will be in everlasting remembrance?

Q ➤ Who shall gnash their teeth and melt away?

Q ➤ Whose desire shall perish?

Q ➤ Who will rise up the poor from the dust?

Q ➤ Which will be turned into fountain of water?

Q ➤ To whom he has given the earth?

Q ➤ Who is not praising Yahweh?

Q ➤ Why did he say, "I love the Lord"?

Q ➤ What was saved by God from death?

Q ➤ What is saved from tears?

Q ➤ From where did he save the legs?

Q ➤ Which is the smallest chapter in the book of psalms?

Q ➤ Which is the middle verse in the Bible?

Q ➤ What should Israel say?

Q ➤ Which house should say," His love endures forever"?

Q ➤ What should the men of God say?

Q ➤ What will I not do because God is on my side?

Q ➤ In whom must we put our confidence than in man?

Q ➤ Where we could hear the shouts of joy and victory?

Q ➤ Which stone was rejected by the builders?

Q ➤ What bind in the horns of alter?

Q ➤ Which psalm is written in the order of Hebrew alphabet?

Q ➤ Which is the biggest chapter in the Bible?

Q ➤ How many verses are there in the 119th Psalm?

Q ➤ How many divisions are there in the verses of Ps 119?

Q ➤ Which is the biggest psalm?

Q ➤ How many verses in particular division from the 22 divisions of 119th psalm?

Q ➤ How should one keep the percepts that are commanded by God?

Q ➤ What shall we treasure in our hearts not to sin against God?

Q ➤ Why did David open his eyes?

Q ➤ Which way has to be removed from me?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist,we must tum our eyes always from what?

Q ➤ What must we do in his commandments?

Q ➤ What have been the songs in the house of my pilgrimage?

Q ➤ When will rise up to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgment?

Q ➤ What becoame good forme to leam your statues?

Q ➤ In what must we delight?

Q ➤ I become like what in the smoke?

Q ➤ What stands firm in the heavens?

Q ➤ What was the Word of God for David?

Q ➤ Why did David's body tremble?

Q ➤ The commandments more lovable than what?

Q ➤ What happens when the Word of God is unfolded?

Q ➤ When did David get up and pray?

Q ➤ Like whom did David rejoice in the word of God?

Q ➤ Which was the first song of ascents?

Q ➤ How many songs of ascents are there in psalms?

Q ➤ To where does the psalmist lift up his eyes?

Q ➤ From where does our help come?

Q ➤ Who protects from all evil?

Q ➤ Which city was built as a city closely compacted together?

Q ➤ Where do the tribes of Israel go to give thanks unto the name of the Lord?

Q ➤ Where do the eyes of the servants look?

Q ➤ On whom does the eyes of the man of God look at?

Q ➤ How do our souls escape?

Q ➤ How will they, those who sow in tears reap?

Q ➤ ow does the labourers labour, unless the Lord builds the house?

Q ➤ What is the heritage given by God?

Q ➤ How are the children of the youth?

Q ➤ Who shall be the fruitful vine inside the house?

Q ➤ Who is like olive plants around the table?

Q ➤ Whose cords have the righteous Lord cut off?

Q ➤ Of what has Lord, not kept a record of?

Q ➤ Which psalm ends with same words at the end?

Q ➤ By which river's side did they sit and weep?

Q ➤ Where did they cry and remember about Zion?

Q ➤ Where did they hang the harps?

Q ➤ How did God make the psalmist bold when he called on the name of God?

Q ➤ Who knows when I sit and when I rise?

Q ➤ How did God lay his hands upon the Psalmist?

Q ➤ Who is there if I make my bed in the depths?

Q ➤ The psalmist is asking God to lead him in an everlasting way, by finding what in him?

Q ➤ Who will live before God?

Q ➤ Who makes their tongues as sharp as a serpent?

Q ➤ What is the strike of a righteous to the Psalmist?

Q ➤ What is the rebuke of a righteous to the Psalmist?

Q ➤ Who told, "May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice" ?

Q ➤ Who told, "O Lord hears my prayer listen to my cry for mercy"?

Q ➤ How does the soul of the psalmist thirsts for the Lord?

Q ➤ According to the psalmist, how do the sons grow?

Q ➤ Who is gracious, merciful, slow in anger and great in loving kindness?

Q ➤ Who sustains all who fall?

Q ➤ Who raises up all who bow down?

Q ➤ Who satisfies the desire of every living thing?

Q ➤ Who will fulfill the desire of those who fear him?

Q ➤ Who gives the food to the hungry?

Q ➤ Who opens the eyes of the blind?

Q ➤ Who heals the broken hearted?

Q ➤ Who supports the afflicted?

Q ➤ Who gives food to the beasts and the young ravens that cry?

Q ➤ Who favors those who fear him and those who wait for his loving kindness?

Q ➤ Who should be praised by the heavenly hosts?

Q ➤ Which was the prayer of David when he was in the cave?

Q ➤ Whom should the sun and moon praise?

Q ➤ Where do we sing and praise of God?

Q ➤ With what is the humble crowned?

Q ➤ Who all must praise God?

Q ➤ Which psalm ends with praise?