Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from Job

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Job
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from Job

Q ➤ 18th book in the bible?

Q ➤ Total chapters in the book of Job?

Q ➤ How many verses are in the book of Job?

Q ➤ Historical verses?

Q ➤ Fulfilled prophesies?

Q ➤ Prophesies yet to be fulfilled?

Q ➤ Questions?

Q ➤ Commands?

Q ➤ Warnings?

Q ➤ Messages?

Q ➤ The birth place of Job?

Q ➤ A man who was blameless and upright and feared God and shunned evils?

Q ➤ How many sons did Job have?

Q ➤ How many daughters did Job have?

Q ➤ How many children did Job have?

Q ➤ Who had seven thousand sheeps?

Q ➤ Who had three thousand camels?

Q ➤ Who was the greatest man among all the people of the East?

Q ➤ The brothers who used to offer sacrifice for their sisters?

Q ➤ A father who used to offer sacrifice according to the number of his children?

Q ➤ Who said a good testimony about Job?

Q ➤ Who attacked and carried the oxen and donkeys off?

Q ➤ Who carried off the Camels?

Q ➤ The one who tore his robe and shaved his head and fell to the ground in worship?

Q ➤ "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised? Who said?

Q ➤ Who was afflicted with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head?

Q ➤ "Are you still holding on to your integrity"? Who asked?

Q ➤ Who were the friends of Job?

Q ➤ Three men who wept aloud and tore their robes and spinkled dust on their heads?

Q ➤ The friends of Job who sat on the ground for seven days and sever nights uttering no word?

Q ➤ "Have you considered my servant Job" who asked?

Q ➤ An Old Testament character who cursed the of his birth?

Q ➤ May that night on which I was born be barren! Who said?

Q ➤ "Who asked himself that why he didn't perish at birth?

Q ➤ Whose was the first replay to Job?

Q ➤ Whose words have supported those who stumbled?

Q ➤ According to Eliphaz, what was the confidence of Job?

Q ➤ What happened to Eliphaz's body when spirit glided past his face?

Q ➤ Can a man be more pure than whom?

Q ➤ "A form stood before my eyes and I heard a hushed voice" Who said?

Q ➤ What kills a fool?

Q ➤ What slays the simple?

Q ➤ Hardship does not spring from where?

Q ➤ Who said that man is bom to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward?

Q ➤ Who said that the God sets the lowly on high and lifts those who mourn to safety?

Q ➤ Who thwarts the plans of the crafty?

Q ➤ Who is the man whom God corrects?

Q ➤ The one who wounds and also binds up?

Q ➤ "If my anguish could be weighed" who said?

Q ➤ Who said that the arrows of the Almighty are in him?

Q ➤ "God would be willing to crush me" who said?

Q ➤ The caravans of whom looks for water?

Q ➤ "How painful are honest words"! Who said?

Q ➤ "My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering? Whose?

Q ➤ Who does not returns as a cloud vanishes and is gone?

Q ➤ A friend who spoke second to Job?

Q ➤ "Does God pervert justice? Who asked?

Q ➤ Our days on earth are like what?

Q ➤ "Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh?" Who asked?

Q ➤ Who relies on a spider's web?

Q ➤ The one who does not reject a blameless man?

Q ➤ "His wisdom is profound his power is vast" whose?

Q ➤ Who is the maker of the Bear and Orion the Pleiades and the constellations of the south?

Q ➤ "Though I were innocent, I could not answer him" who said?

Q ➤ "My days are swifter than a runner" who said?

Q ➤ "He is not a man like me that I might answer him" who?

Q ➤ "I loathe my very life" whose life?

Q ➤ "Do you have eyes of flesh"? Who asked to whom?

Q ➤ A third friend of Job who answered him?

Q ➤ "Is this talker to be vindicated? Who said?

Q ➤ What we have to put away when we stretch out our hands to God?

Q ➤ "Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning"? who said?

Q ➤ Whose eyes will fail?

Q ➤ "Is not wisdom found among the aged"? Who asked?

Q ➤ "If he examined you, would it turn out well"? Who asked?

Q ➤ "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him whose words are these?

Q ➤ Who is of few days and full of trouble?

Q ➤ "Who can bring what is pure from the impure?

Q ➤ Who asked that if a man dies, will he live again?

Q ➤ Whose offences will be sealed up in a bag?

Q ➤ "Would a wise man answer with empty notions"?

Q ➤ "Are you the first man ever born"? Who asked?

Q ➤ Who said that even the heavens are not pure his eyes?

Q ➤ Who suffers torement all his days?

Q ➤ What will happen to the tents of those who love bribes?

Q ➤ "Yet if I speak, my pain is not relieved" who said?

Q ➤ Whose face became red with weeping?

Q ➤ "My prayer is pure" whose prayer?

Q ➤ "My witness is in heaven" who said?

Q ➤ "My spirit is broken my days are cut short" who said these words?

Q ➤ Who said that surely mockers surround him?

Q ➤ A man whose eyes had grown dim with grief?

Q ➤ Who said that his whole frame was but a shadow?

Q ➤ Who said that God had made him a byword to everyone?

Q ➤ "The innocent are aroused against the ungodly" Who said?

Q ➤ My days have passed, my plans are shathered"? who said?

Q ➤ Who said that the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out?

Q ➤ "Death's first born devours his limbs" whose?

Q ➤ "His roots dry up below and his branches wither above" whose?

Q ➤ Who was crushed with words?

Q ➤ A man who was reproached ten times?

Q ➤ "He tears me down on every side till I am gone" who said?

Q ➤ "He has removed the crown from my head" whose words are these?

Q ➤ "All my intimate friends detest me" who said?

Q ➤ Who said that his redeemer lives?

Q ➤ Who said that after his skin has been destroyed, yet in his flesh he will see God?

Q ➤ "I myself will see him, with my own eyes- I and not another who said these words?

Q ➤ Who said that he heard rebuke that dishonored him?

Q ➤ According to Zopher whose joy lasts only for a moment?

Q ➤ "His food will turn sour in his stomach, it will become the venom of serpents within him whose food?

Q ➤ Who has to spit out the riches the swallowed?

Q ➤ "He will suck the poison of the serpents; the fangs of an adder will kill him" It will happen to whom?

Q ➤ "He will not enjoy the profit from his trading" who?

Q ➤ "Is my complaint directed to man"? Who asked?

Q ➤ "They are like straw before the wind" who?

Q ➤ To whom, the soil in the valley is sweet?

Q ➤ "Can a man be a benefit to God"? Who asked?

Q ➤ Who said that if he returned to the Almighty, he would be restored?

Q ➤ "If you were righteous, what pleasure would it give the almighty"?

Q ➤ "Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you" who said?

Q ➤ Foundations of the evil man were swept away by what?

Q ➤ What do you need to remove far from your tent?

Q ➤ Who will become the choicest silver for you?

Q ➤ Where you need to put the gold of Ophir?

Q ➤ "He would press charges against me" who said?

Q ➤ If God has tested Job, how will he come out?

Q ➤ Who said that he has kept to God's way without turning aside?

Q ➤ I have not departed from the commands of his lips' who?

Q ➤ Who said that he has treated the words of God's mouth more than his his daily bread?

Q ➤ Who kills the poor and the needy?

Q ➤ The eyes of the adulterer watches for what?

Q ➤ The grave snatches away whom?

Q ➤ What happens to those who have sinned?

Q ➤ "Dominion and awe belongs to God" who said?

Q ➤ A son of man is like what?

Q ➤ Death is necked before whom?

Q ➤ God spreads the northern skies over what?

Q ➤ God suspends the earth over what?

Q ➤ What was pierced by his hand?

Q ➤ "Till I die, I will not deny my integrity" who said?

Q ➤ "His offspring will never have enough to eat" offering of whom?

Q ➤ From where is Iron taken?

Q ➤ Which one was transformed below as by fire?

Q ➤ From where does sapphires come?

Q ➤ The price of what is beyond rubies?

Q ➤ For whom was olive oil, the poured out streams?

Q ➤ Whose path was drenched with cream?

Q ➤ Who rescued the poor who cried for help?

Q ➤ Justice is like what?

Q ➤ For whom was justice like his robe and turban?

Q ➤ Who was an eye to the blind and feet to the lame?

Q ➤ Who would wait in silence for Job's council?

Q ➤ What would the men do when they saw Job?

Q ➤ Men would sit in silence to hear whose counsel?

Q ➤ Who said that the days of suffering confronted him?

Q ➤ "My skin grows black and peels" whose skins?

Q ➤ A man who made a covenant with his eyes?

Q ➤ To know the blamelessness of Job what God had to do?

Q ➤ Who justified himself rather than God?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Elihu?

Q ➤ The birth place of Elihu?

Q ➤ The family of Elihu?

Q ➤ The youngest among the friends of Job?

Q ➤ "it is not only old who are wise" who said?

Q ➤ Who said that he would show partiality to no one nor would he flatter any man?

Q ➤ "In this you are not right, for God is greater than a man" who said?

Q ➤ Who went to Job to be cleared?

Q ➤ An organ that tastes food?

Q ➤ "Let us discern for ourselves what is right" who said?

Q ➤ An organ that tests words?

Q ➤ The one who drank scorn like water?

Q ➤ Where would man return?

Q ➤ Who gives songs in the night?

Q ➤ Who make us wiser than the birds of the air?

Q ➤ Who gives the afflicted their rights?

Q ➤ Who harbors resentment in their heart?

Q ➤ The one who said on behalf of God?

Q ➤ From where did Cold come out ?

Q ➤ God load the clouds with what?

Q ➤ The sky is so hard as what?

Q ➤ What happens to those who are wise in heart?

Q ➤ To whom did God answered out of the storm?

Q ➤ To whom God says brace yourself like a man?

Q ➤ "Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth" who asked whom?

Q ➤ What was reserved for the days of war and battle?

Q ➤ "Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades" who asked?

Q ➤ "Can you loose the cords of Orion"? Who asked to whom?

Q ➤ The animals that crouch down and bring forth their young?

Q ➤ An animal that was given wasteland as his home and the salt flats as his habitat?

Q ➤ A bird that flaps its wings joyfully?

Q ➤ A bird that lays her egg on the ground and lets them warm in the sand?

Q ➤ An animal that paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the pray?

Q ➤ A bird that do not have wisdom?

Q ➤ An animal that snorts at the blast of the trumpet?

Q ➤ An animal that catches the scent of battle from afar?

Q ➤ A bird that builds its nest on high?

Q ➤ Where there as slain, there also what?

Q ➤ Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Who said to whom?

Q ➤ An animal that has strength in his loins, and power in the muscles of his belly?

Q ➤ An animal that lies under the lotus plant?

Q ➤ An animal that ranks first among the works of God?

Q ➤ An animal that has rows of shield tightly sealed together?

Q ➤ An animal that has its chest hard as rock, hard as a lower milestone?

Q ➤ "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand" whose words?

Q ➤ With whom God became angry?

Q ➤ For whom did Job pray?

Q ➤ Whom did Lord make prosper again, by giving him twice as much as he had before? J

Q ➤ What was given to Job by those who had known him before?

Q ➤ Names of Job's three daughters?

Q ➤ The girls who were granted an inheritance along with their brothers?

Q ➤ Meaning of the name Keran-Happuch?

Q ➤ Meaning of Zopher?

Q ➤ The birth place of Zopher?

Q ➤ The birth place of Eliphaz?