Bible Quiz: Questions and Answers from 1 Samuel

Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from 1 Samuel
Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from 1 Samuel

Q ➤ The land of Elkanah?

Q ➤ The father of Elkanah?

Q ➤ The father of Jeroham?

Q ➤ How many wives Elkanah had?

Q ➤ The husband of Hannah?

Q ➤ The husband of Peninnah?

Q ➤ The woman who was irritated by her rival?

Q ➤ How many children Eli had?

Q ➤ The priests who used to worship and sacrifice to the Lord at Shiloh?

Q ➤ Who was the father of Hophni and Phinehas?

Q ➤ The wife of Elkanah who was given a double portion?

Q ➤ The woman who did not eat year after year?

Q ➤ "Don't I mean more to you than ten sons"? Who said these words to whom?

Q ➤ Who was the priest sitting on a chair by the doorpost of the Lord's temple?

Q ➤ Who was the woman prayed to the Lord in bitterness of soul?

Q ➤ What was the vow of Hannah?

Q ➤ How long will you keep on getting drunk?

Q ➤ 'Her face was no longer downcast' whose face?

Q ➤ Son of Elkanah?

Q ➤ The name of the mother of Samuel?

Q ➤ Who was given over to the Lord for his whole life?

Q ➤ Where do we find the prayer of Hannah?

Q ➤ "In the Lord my horn is lifted high? Who said?

Q ➤ How many times she who was barren has borne?

Q ➤ The boy who ministered before the Lord under Eli, the priest?

Q ➤ Who used to treat the Lord's offering with contempt?

Q ➤ The garment of Samuel?

Q ➤ How many children were given birth by Hannah?

Q ➤ A boy who was ministering before the lord and wearing a linen Ephod?

Q ➤ Who blessed Elkanah and his wife?

Q ➤ What did Eli hear about his children when he was Old?

Q ➤ The boy who continued to grow in favour with the Lord and with men?

Q ➤ In whose house it is told that there will not be an old man?

Q ➤ "All your descendants will die in the prime of life" whose descendants?

Q ➤ What was the sign given to Eli. by the Lord?

Q ➤ "None of his word falls to the ground" whose words?

Q ➤ The life-span of Eli?

Q ➤ A priest who fell back ward off his chair and died?

Q ➤ During the time of Samuel the Israelites went on to fight against whom?

Q ➤ Where did the Israelites camped?

Q ➤ Who was defeated by the Philistines?

Q ➤ who was inflictedwith all kinds of plagues?

Q ➤ Where was the ark of the lord for many years?

Q ➤ Who captured the ark of the Lord?

Q ➤ The sons of Eli who died in the battle?

Q ➤ The name of the son of Phinehas?

Q ➤ The 14th judge of Israel?

Q ➤ The woman who gave birth to a child and died soon after hearing the news of her husband's death?

Q ➤ Which land was afflicted with tumors?

Q ➤ The god of the Philistines?

Q ➤ The god fallen on his face before the ark of the Lord?

Q ➤ How many days had the ark of the lord been in Philistines territory?

Q ➤ The outcry of which city went up to heaven?

Q ➤ The animals that were hitched to the new cart?

Q ➤ The people who were put to death because they had looked in to the ark of the Lord?

Q ➤ How many people died?

Q ➤ How long the ark remained in Abinadab's house?

Q ➤ Where did the people of Israel assemble and drew water and poured it out before the Lord?

Q ➤ Who were the people thrown into panic by the Lord with great thunder?

Q ➤ The prophet who named a stone?

Q ➤ What was the name given to the stone?

Q ➤ The prophet who continued as judge over Israel all the days of his life?

Q ➤ The sons of Samuel?

Q ➤ The land of Samuel?

Q ➤ The tribe of Kish?

Q ➤ A Benjamite, a man of standing?

Q ➤ The son of Abijah?

Q ➤ The son of Becorath?

Q ➤ The son of Zeror?

Q ➤ The son of Abiel?

Q ➤ An impressive young man- a head taller than any of the other Israelites?

Q ➤ Father of Saul?

Q ➤ Who went on to search his father's donkeys?

Q ➤ In the ancient days, what was the title given to the prophet?

Q ➤ To whom the Lord revealed the things about Saul?

Q ➤ In Saul's opinion; which one is the smallest tribe in Israel?

Q ➤ How many people were. invited to the high place?

Q ➤ On whose head Samuel poured oil and kissed?

Q ➤ Who was anointed by Samuel?

Q ➤ Where would Saul meet two men?

Q ➤ Who prophesied when he saw a procession of prophets?

Q ➤ Which tribe was chosen?

Q ➤ Kish belongs to which Benjamite family?

Q ➤ The first king in Israel?

Q ➤ Which town was besieged by Nahash?

Q ➤ The King who took a pair of oxen, cut them into pieces and sent the pieces through out Israel?

Q ➤ The King who separated his men into seven divisions?

Q ➤ Who was burned with anger when the spirit of God came upon him in power?

Q ➤ The place where the kingship of Saul was confirmed?

Q ➤ Who was the commander of the army of Hazor?

Q ➤ The King of the Ammonites?

Q ➤ The number of the men of Israel and the men of Judah when they were numbered by Saul at Bezek?

Q ➤ Who called upon the Lord to send thunder and rain during the time of harvest?

Q ➤ The age of Saul when he became the King?

Q ➤ How many years did Saul reign over Israel?

Q ➤ How many years did Saul reign over Israel?

Q ➤ How many people were there at Gibeah with Jonathan?

Q ➤ Who were the people camped at Micmash?

Q ➤ How many days Saul waited at Gilgal for Samuel?

Q ➤ The King who offered up the bumt offering before the arrival of Samuel?

Q ➤ "But now your kingdom will not endure" Who told to whom?

Q ➤ The son of Saul?

Q ➤ The father of Jonathan?

Q ➤ The bearer of the armor of Jonathan?

Q ➤ Who was wearing an ephod during the time of Saul?

Q ➤ The brother of Ichabod?

Q ➤ The father of Ahijah ?

Q ➤ The son of Ahitub?

Q ➤ The person who was staying under a pomegranate tree in Migron?

Q ➤ The names of the cliffs?

Q ➤ When did the earth shake? When Jonathan and his bearer of armor had a fight against enemies?

Q ➤ The one whose eyes were brightened when he tasted honey?

Q ➤ The people of Israel ate flesh together with blood, where do we find the evidence for this in the Bible?

Q ➤ The father who decided to kill his son just because he had tasted honey?

Q ➤ Who were the sons of Saul?

Q ➤ The elder daughter of Saul?

Q ➤ The younger daughter of Saul?

Q ➤ The name of Saul's wife?

Q ➤ The father of Ahinoam?

Q ➤ The name of the commander of Saul's army?

Q ➤ The name of Saul's uncle?

Q ➤ The name of the father of Abner?

Q ➤ The names of the children of Abiel?

Q ➤ Who was the husband of Abiel?

Q ➤ A King and his commander of the army were relatives? Which King?

Q ➤ In which King's time, there was bitter war with the Philistines?

Q ➤ The men of Saul were numbered by him at where?

Q ➤ The King of Amalekites?

Q ➤ "I am grieved that I have made Saul King"? Who said these words?

Q ➤ Who was crying out to the Lord all the night?

Q ➤ A man was appointed to destroy the wicked people but he saved their Kings?

Q ➤ "Surely the bitterness of death is past", who said?

Q ➤ The judge who put Agag to death before the lord at Gilgal?

Q ➤ Who were the people who trembled when Samuel arrived at Bethlehem?

Q ➤ The elder son of Jesse?

Q ➤ The second son of Jesse?

Q ➤ How many children were brought to Samuel by Jesse?

Q ➤ How many children Jesse had?

Q ➤ Who was ready with a fine appearance and handsome features?

Q ➤ Who anointed David?

Q ➤ Who was a brave man and a warrior and was able to play harp?

Q ➤ When David plays the harp, the evil spirit would leave the king who was that King?

Q ➤ Who became the armor-bearer of Saul?

Q ➤ The father of David? Jesse?

Q ➤ The youngest son of Jesse?

Q ➤ Where did the philistine camp under the leadership of Goliath?

Q ➤ Where did Saul and the Israelites camp when they came against Philistines?

Q ➤ A champion of the Philistines?

Q ➤ The place of Goliath?

Q ➤ What was there on his head?

Q ➤ The weight of the coat of scale armor of bronze?

Q ➤ Who had bronze greaves?

Q ➤ Who was there as a head of Goliath?

Q ➤ Who had a bronze Javelin?

Q ➤ How was his spear shaft?

Q ➤ Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed by hearing whose words?

Q ➤ The number of Jesse's children who followed Saul to the war?

Q ➤ Who was the Philistine who came forward every morning and evening and took his stand for forty days?

Q ➤ What was given to the commander of the unit by Jesse?

Q ➤ "Go and the Lord be with you" who told to whom?

Q ➤ Who chose five stones from the steam?

Q ➤ Who struck the Philistine on the forehead with a stone?

Q ➤ Who loved David as himself?

Q ➤ How did David defeat the Philistine?

Q ➤ Who took the Philistine's head and brought it to Jerusalem?

Q ➤ Where did they put the Philistine's weapons?

Q ➤ Who loved Jonathan as himself?

Q ➤ To whom Jonathan gave his robe, sword, tunic and all?

Q ➤ What the women of Israel sang when David was retuming home after defeating the Philistines?

Q ➤ Who made David a commander over a thousand?

Q ➤ Who became angry when he heard the song?

Q ➤ How many times Saul tried to pin David to the wall with his spear?

Q ➤ The man who had success in everything he did?

Q ➤ Merab, the daughter of Saul, was given to whom?

Q ➤ The man who became the son-in-Law of the King by presenting the foreskins of two hundred Philistines?

Q ➤ The youngest daughter of Saul?

Q ➤ How many Philistines were killed by David?

Q ➤ The man who killed two hundred Philistines to get a wife?

Q ➤ The husband of Michal?

Q ➤ Who spoke well of his father's enemy?

Q ➤ Who saved David by letting him down through a window?

Q ➤ The woman who laid an idol on her bed in order to save her husband's life?

Q ➤ The King who stripped off his clothes and prophesied a day and night?

Q ➤ "There is only a step between me and death" who said these words?

Q ➤ A king who hid in the field?

Q ➤ Who told David that he will shoot three arrows?

Q ➤ Whose place was empty on the day of New moon festival?

Q ➤ How many times David bowed down before Jonathan?

Q ➤ "You son of a perverse and rebellious woman" Who said these words to his own son?

Q ➤ The son who got up from the table of his father in fierce anger?

Q ➤ The friends who kissed each other and wept together?

Q ➤ The name of the priest of Nob who gave David the consecrated bread?

Q ➤ Who was Saul's head shepherd?

Q ➤ Doeg was from which land?

Q ➤ Who was the Edomite detained before the Lord?

Q ➤ What was given to David when he asked a weapon to Ahimelech, the priest?

Q ➤ Who was the King of Gath?

Q ➤ Where did David act like a mad man?

Q ➤ "Am I so short of mad men that you have to bring this fellow here to carry on like this in front of me" Who said?

Q ➤ The cave where David hid himself?

Q ➤ Who was the head of all those who were in distress or in debt or discontented?

Q ➤ How many people were there with David in the cave of Adullam?

Q ➤ Where were the parents of David when he was in the cave?

Q ➤ The prophet who told David that not to stay in the strong hold and go into the land of Judah?

Q ➤ Who was seated under the tamarisk on the hill at Gibeah?

Q ➤ The father of Ahimelech?

Q ➤ Son of Ahitub?

Q ➤ How many priests were killed by Doeg the Edomite?

Q ➤ The one who escaped among the sons of Ahimelech?

Q ➤ Abiathar escaped and fled to where?

Q ➤ "I am responsible for the death of your father's whole family" who said these words?

Q ➤ Who ordered, kill the priests of the Lord?

Q ➤ The foreigner who was there in the military of Saul?

Q ➤ Who fighted against Keilah?

Q ➤ Who enquired of the Lord to attack the Philistines?

Q ➤ The man who brought the ephod down with him when he fled to David at Keilah?

Q ➤ Who were the people moving from place to place?

Q ➤ Where Jonathan and David did made a covenant?

Q ➤ Who helped David to find strength in God?

Q ➤ "You shall be the King over Israel, and I will be second to you" who said to whom?

Q ➤ Who said that he heard David is very crafty?

Q ➤ When Saul returned from perswing the philistines, where was David?

Q ➤ How many people were chosen by Saul to look for David?

Q ➤ Where did Saul find a place to relieve himself?

Q ➤ Who were there in the cave when Saul went in to the same?

Q ➤ Who cut off a corner of Saul's robe in the cave?

Q ➤ The king who said an old saying "From evildoers come evil deeds"?

Q ➤ Who called himself 'a dead dog'?

Q ➤ A certain man in maon, who insulted David?

Q ➤ Who had 3000 sheep and 1000 goats?

Q ➤ The name of Nabal's wife?

Q ➤ The first husband of Abigail?

Q ➤ An intelligent and beautiful woman?

Q ➤ Who was surely mean in his dealing?

Q ➤ A celibate?

Q ➤ How many men went up to Nabal with David?

Q ➤ The wealthy men who was struck by the Lord and died?

Q ➤ The woman who bowed down before David?

Q ➤ The second husband of Abigail?

Q ➤ The wife of David who was from Jazreel?

Q ➤ Who was told as a wicked man by David?

Q ➤ The person whose heart failed and became like a stone when he was told all the things by his wife?

Q ➤ To whom did Saul give Michal, the wife of David?

Q ➤ Who were the people laying around Saul?

Q ➤ The name of the brother of Abishai ?

Q ➤ The name of the son of Zeruiah?

Q ➤ Who took the spear and water jug near Saul's head?

Q ➤ God had put whom into a deep sleep?

Q ➤ "Who are you who call to the Kings"? Who told?

Q ➤ The King of Gath?

Q ➤ Son of Maoch?

Q ➤ Father of Achish?

Q ➤ The names of the wives of David?

Q ➤ The land which King Achish gave to David?

Q ➤ How many men were there with David's family settled in Gath with Achish?

Q ➤ Who had trusted David?

Q ➤ Who had expelled the mediums and spiritists from Israel?

Q ➤ Whom the lord didn't answer by dreams or Urim or prophet?

Q ➤ The town of Samuel?

Q ➤ The woman who was in Endor?

Q ➤ The king who disguised himself and went to a woman who is a medium?

Q ➤ Saul asked for whom to bring up by the woman?

Q ➤ Who had seen that a god coming out of the ground?

Q ➤ Who had seen an old man wearing a robe?

Q ➤ Who told that he was in great distress?

Q ➤ Who told that the God has turned away from him?

Q ➤ The King who wandered as a pilgrim?

Q ➤ The people who attacked and burned Ziklag?

Q ➤ The people who wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep?

Q ➤ How many people were not able to cross the Besor ravine and stayed behind?

Q ➤ Who was abandoned by his master because of illness?

Q ➤ The number of people who escaped when David attacked Ziklag?

Q ➤ Who gave a portion of the plunder to his friends when they arrived in Ziklag?

Q ➤ On which mountain did the people of Israel fell slain?

Q ➤ Where did Saul die?

Q ➤ The people who captured two wives of David?

Q ➤ Sons of Saul?

Q ➤ A king who took his sword and fell on it?

Q ➤ Who fell on his sword and died when he saw Saul was dead?

Q ➤ Where did the Philistines keep the amours of Saul?

Q ➤ Who burned the bodies of Saul and his son?

Q ➤ Draw your sword and run me through" who told to whom?

Q ➤ Where was the bones of Saul buried?

Q ➤ 9th book of the Bible?

Q ➤ Total number of verses?

Q ➤ Total number questions?

Q ➤ The prophecies yet to be fulfilled?

Q ➤ The author of this book?

Q ➤ Important verses?

Q ➤ The period of writing?

Q ➤ To whom it was written?

Q ➤ How many years of history has been included in this book?

Q ➤ Commands?

Q ➤ Warnings?

Q ➤ Important characters?