Daily Bible Quiz (08-02-2023)
Daily Bible Quiz |
Daily Bible Quiz (08-02-2023)
Daily Bible Quiz (08-02-2023)
Total Questions: 10
you'll have 60 second to answer each question.
Quiz Result
Total Questions:
Quiz Answers
1. What relation was John mark to Barnabas?
ⓓ Cousin
2. Finish the proverb: "The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself."..?
ⓒ will bring his mother to shame
3. Why wasnt David allowed to build God's house?
ⓑ Because he was a man of war
4. Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
ⓒ Feet, hands and head
5. What did the holy spirit look like when the disciples received it?
ⓒ Tongues of fire
6. Which two of the eight signs, or miracles, recorded in John, are also recorded in other gospel records?
ⓑ Jesus walks on water and Feeding of 5,000
7. Who led the people of Israel into the promised land?
ⓐ Joshua
8. With what object did Jael kill Sisera?
ⓓ Tent peg
9. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts", is followed by which line?
ⓓ Praise ye him, sun and moon, praise him all ye stars of light
10. Which of Leah's sons brought her mandrakes?
ⓒ Reuben