Daily Bible Quiz: Daily Bible Quiz for today (January 27th,2023)

Daily bible quiz multiple choice for 27th January 2023

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Daily Bible Quiz

How many times did Jesus say you should forgive your brother when he sins against you?
ⓐ Thirty-eight times (John 5:5)
ⓑ Many times (Mark 12:29-30)
ⓒ Seventy times seven (Matt 18:22)
ⓓ Three times (John 15:25)
What question concerning marriage did the Pharisees use to tempt Jesus?
ⓐ Is it good for a man to be angry
ⓑ His it good for a man to borrow money
ⓒ Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife
ⓓ Are miracles good
How does Paul tell us to work out our own salvation?
ⓐ With prayer anf fasting
ⓑ With fear and trembling
ⓒ By loving one another
ⓓ With just prayers
In the parable of the cloth and wine, why does no man put new wine into old bottles?
ⓐ It will do nothing to the bottle
ⓑ It will burst the bottltes
ⓒ the bottle will become crackek
ⓓ The water in the bottle will overflow
In which city did King Herod live at the time of Jesus' birth?
ⓐ Jerusalem
ⓑ Nazareth
ⓒ Rome
ⓓ Egypt
What is the root of all evil?
ⓐ Love of satan
ⓑ Love of money
ⓒ Love of possesion
ⓓ Hatred
What does the law say to do when you see a bird in its nest?
ⓐ Kill the bird and sacrifice it to me
ⓑ Do nothing
ⓒ Kill the bird and eat
ⓓ Let the mother bird go free
In Nebuchadnezzar's dream what happened to destro the statue made from different metals?
ⓐ it was rigid
ⓑ It was hacked down by hoodlums
ⓒ It stood firm when stones were thrown at it
ⓓ A stone hit the feet and broke them into poeces
Which tribe of Isreal received no inheritance of land?
ⓐ Levi
ⓑ Joseph
ⓒ Dan
ⓓ Canaan
Which king took possesion of Naboth's vineyard?
ⓐ Jeroboam
ⓑ Ahab
ⓒ Hezekiah
ⓓ Solomon